
The Way Meghan & Harry Reportedly Deal With Challenges Is So Inspiring

by Sade Spence
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Prince Harry and Meghan Markle have been super busy as of late. They're on a 10-day tour of Africa, conducting speeches, meeting royal leaders, and being the change the world needs to see, all with bouncing baby Archie Harrison Mountbatten-Windsor at their side. You might wonder how Meghan and Harry deal with challenges during such stressful and demanding times, and it turns out they reportedly have the most inspiring of methods.

It's no secret that Meghan hasn't had the easiest transition to royal status. As an American actor marrying into British royalty, the shift was bound to have its share of challenges. However, Meghan is getting more than her fair share. Outlets have claimed Meghan was hard to deal with. There was also the Duke and Duchess of Sussex's split from the royal charity and move out of the royal palace to take residence in Frogmore Cottage that got people speculating. To top it off, many outlets claimed Meghan and her sister-in-law Kate Middleton, Duchess of Cambridge, do not get along. So, when they're spotted at any events together, there are inevitable reports that it's orchestrated. Harry and Meghan also received a lot of flack for using a private jet while preaching the green gospel at Google Camp, a summit on climate change and sustainability. *sigh* Basically, it seems like this couple can't do anything right in the public's eye.

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Yikes! That is a mountain of criticism to deal with on top of actual royal duties. So, how are Meghan and Prince Harry surviving (read: thriving) through it all? Well, by simply being there for one each other.

According to an insider at People, the royal couple looks to each other for support. "They definitely lean on each other during challenging times," the source revealed. Aww... sounds like they've got a solid relationship. You can totally tell from their photos in from South Africa and press conferences during their tour. Elite Daily reached out to Buckingham Palace for comment, but did not hear back by the time of publication.

“They are both excited about Africa," added the source and I would guess they are for a number of different reasons, but I'm hoping it's because they had their third date in Botswana.

Prince Harry revealed that he once persuaded Meghan to join him in Botswana when they were dating. "We camped out with each other under the stars. She came and joined me for five days out there, which was absolutely fantastic," he said after their engagement, according to a report by Express. So then we were really by ourselves, which was crucial to me to make sure that we had a chance to know each other.” And, learn to lean on each during difficult times, right?

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People's insider also said despite what others think, the royal couple is concentrating on their own goals. “They are a unit,” said the source. “[Meghan's] just focusing on what she and Harry are trying to accomplish and not be distracted.” Now this sounds like the key to a long-lasting relationship.

There's a lot to be learned here, fam. Meghan and Harry are clearly fixated on each other, not everyone else. Y'know why? 'Cause they are married to each other and not the naysayers. I don't know about y'all, but I just took plenty of relationship notes. Thanks, Prince Harry and Meghan.