Chrissy Teigen Celebrated Miles' Last Day Of Wearing His Helmet With The Cutest Video
It's time for Chrissy Teigen and John Legend to break out the bubbly and get their pomp and circumstance on, because their 9-month-old son Miles has just graduated from his corrective helmet-wearing days. WOOT, WOOT! The model mama hit up Twitter on March 13 to share the big news that, after wearing a helmet since December to fix his flat head, her little man is now headgear-free. This video of Chrissy Teigen and Miles celebrating "helmet free" day is too sweet, you guys! And now I just wanna know if the Cravings cookbook author is gonna be baking him a "no-more-helmet cake" or whatever to celebrate the big, uh, MILEStone? Because if this isn't an actual thing it really, really should be.
"Such a trooper for 3 months of helmet," the Lip Sync Battle star captioned the super cute video that she shared on social media. In it, Miles is snuggling in her arms on the sofa while tricked out in a cute pig filter.
"Happy helmet-free day!" Teigen excitedly announces in the clip. "No more helmet. No more helmet!"
Awww, she seems so genuinely excited for her son!
Teigen first shared the whole helmet saga with her fans on social media back on Dec. 3. "Baby Miles getting fitted for a little helmet today for his adorable slightly misshapen head," she wrote on Twitter. "So if you see pictures, don't feel bad for him because he's just fixing his flat and honestly he's probably gonna be even cuter with it somehow."
Such a great attitude! And it turns out, she was right — Miles was pretty damn cute when he was rocking that thing to correct a common condition known as plagiocephaly or "flat head syndrome."
Check it out:
It's kinda bad*ss, right?
The mom-of-two also managed to keep a sense of humor about the whole thing, adding in a follow-up tweet: "I have been told it's too late for my head."
Such a queen!
Of course, the internet being the internet, Teigen originally faced some criticism on social media for going the helmet route, since some fans assumed she had done so without a doctor's permission. Luckily, the outspoken star wasted no time rolling up to Twitter to set the record straight.
"Good morning trolls!" she wrote. "Just a friendly reminder that you do not indeed know absolutely everything. Miles has been seeing a physiotherapist — we didn't just go straight to helmet. We tried muscle work and will continue. Also your flat headed kid turned out fine yes yes yes I agree."
Man, I just love her!
Miles' helmet experience is something that so many parents can relate to, and I think it's pretty cool that Teigen has chosen to share this — as well as the rest of her motherhood journey — with all of her fans. It's also pretty amazing that she seems to be able to take all the constant criticism she receives in stride.
Keep doing you, mama! And congrats on 86-ing the headgear, little dude!