The Spiritual Meaning Of Sagittarius Season Is About Experiences
Sagittarius season is here, and it's no coincidence it occurs during the holiday season. A symbol of hope, faith, and enthusiasm, the spiritual meaning of Sagittarius season 2020 has everything to do with the experiences that influence you as an individual. Although, more importantly, it's a time to cultivate faith and celebrate your joy. While the essence of this festive season could feel almost too happy-go-lucky, know that it's all thanks to Sagittarius' planetary ruler, Jupiter, who's literally larger than life itself.
In addition to being the largest planet in the solar system, almighty Jupiter oversees all things related to faith, wisdom, luck, opportunity, expansion, travel, and spirituality. This is where this mutable fire sign gets its "celestial fuel" from, because expansive Jupiter is its planetary ruler. If you have any Sagittarians in your immediate network, then you're probably familiar with their very large bucket list and stamped passport pages. Adventurous and lively, in the eye of this Jupiter-ruled sign, tomorrow is never promised, so we might as well make the most of our current reality (while following proper safety precautions, of course).
The sign of the archer sees taking risks as taking a leap of faith, which is something everyone experiences at some point in time. Whether it be registering for a class next semester, or going on a long road trip, expanding your personal horizons is always a risk worth taking. Though the circumstances haven't allowed for things to be as they normally would, there's always something to learn along the way.
The Spiritual Meaning Of Sagittarius Season 2020: Nov. 21 To Dec. 21
The sun wraps up in Scorpio's enigmatic waters, and enters Jupiter-ruled Sagittarius on Saturday Nov. 21. However, if you think you're completely done with Scorpio's mystifying vibes, you're in for a surprise. Coquettish Venus will dazzle its way into Scorpio's fixed waters just hours before the sun enters Sagittarius, which will influence everything from relationship dynamics to your value systems. Venus is actually considered to be in detriment in the sign of the scorpion, as it takes away from its lighthearted and harmony-seeking personality. Although, this doesn't make the potency of this sultry transit any less effective.
For instance, if Venus governs relationships and love languages, what do you think happens when you combine this energy with Scorpio's all-or-nothing demands and smoldering passion? If you're looking for a Romeo and Juliet type of connection, or perhaps craving more intimacy in your current relationship, Venus in Scorpio will more than likely make it happen. On Nov. 28, Neptune stations direct after a five-month retrograde, followed by the lunar eclipse in chatty Gemini, activating both Venus and Uranus. This foreshadows a relationship-driven energy potentially highlighting the freedom you experience in your relationships and/or the lack thereof.
Gemini's ruler, Mercury, will enter Sagittarius on Dec. 1 and shed light on the ways you can learn, explore, and expand on your individual curiosities. Similarly, the new moon solar eclipse in Sagittarius on Dec. 14 will highlight the path you need to take in order to achieve the goals you are persevering toward. It will magnify your aspirations, all while inspiring you to take the necessary risks. Jupiter will join forces with Saturn in Aquarius on Dec. 21, and a new era begins.