
Here's The Reason Why The Queen Reportedly Won't Call Meghan Markle "Pregnant"

by Hollee Actman Becker
Chris Jackson/Getty Images Entertainment/Getty Images

We already know that Queen Elizabeth II has a lot of things she's not too fond of. Like pasta, potatoes, and men who wear shorts. But did you know that there's also a word that her majesty won't say? And it's not even one of those risqué, four-letter ones you're probably thinking about right now. You know the ones. Apparently, the Queen has a pet peeve over the word "pregnant" because she thinks it's vulgar. And, like, how is that even possible? She's been pregnant four times herself, so I really don't get what the problem is.

And let's not forget that Prince Harry's wife, Meghan Markle, is currently expecting the Queen's eighth great-grandchild. So how on earth does her majesty reference this situation? Does she say the Duchess of Sussex is knocked up? Preggers? Busy baking a royal bun in the oven? According to an old article that first appeared in Reader's Digest and was recently published by Us Weekly, a palace source maintains that the Queen actually prefers to say pregnant women are "in the family way." Elite Daily reached out to the Palace for confirmation, but did not hear back. But no offense, Queen, that ancient-sounding phrase — which was apparently used in "proper society" up until the mid 17th century — actually sounds awkward AF.

Maybe that's why it was left out of the official notice that was sent from the Kensington Palace Twitter account on Monday, Oct. 15, confirming the news that Prince Harry and Meghan Markle are having a royal baby.

"Their Royal Highnesses The Duke and Duchess of Sussex are very pleased to announce that The Duchess of Sussex is expecting a baby in the Spring of 2019," the tweet said.

Meanwhile, the p-word isn't the only thing on the Queen's list of grievances. The 91-year-old monarch reportedly doesn't care for soup. She won't let kids sit at the dinner table until they've learned proper manners. She's anti-three-piece suits, which are "only fit for servants," according to a palace source. And she can spot a pre-tied bowtie from 20 paces, according to royal expert Brian Hoey.

And get this — the Queen is apparently only served round ice cubes in her drinks, according to a former palace aide, because they make less noise. Not gonna lie, I'm actually kind of down with this one.

But you know what I'm not down with at all? The fact that her majesty is not vibing with Markle's current style game. I mean, I'm totally digging all the spaghetti straps, abbreviated hemlines, and bare legs the Duchess has been rocking lately. But the Queen apparently wants the former Suits star to tone it down.

"Meghan is being told she needs to start dressing less like a Hollywood star and more like a Royal," a source told The Daily Mail. Elite Daily reached out to the Palace previously regarding the reports, but did not hear back.

Am I surprised that the Queen is conservative AF? Not really. But now that Markle is, you know, in the family way, hopefully the Queen will take a pregnant pause and let her granddaughter-in-law live a little.