The Final 'Black Widow' Trailer Will Get Your Heart Rate Going
The beginning of the Marvel Cinematic Universe's Phase 4 is just around the corner. After the remarkable success of the first three phases of the MCU coming together to create The Infinity Saga, this new wave of storytelling will root itself in familiar territory. The first film is Black Widow, set between the events of Captain America: Civil War and Avengers: Infinity War. In it, Scarlett Johansson's title character heads home to discover where her heart is. In the final Black Widow trailer, viewers get a good look at that family and the figure who threatens them.
Up until now, the trailers for Black Widow had focussed almost exclusively on Scarlett's Johansson's Natasha Romanoff. That's understandable; she's the only character moviegoers are familiar with going in. She's the title character, and it's her story. But for the final trailer, the focus widens. We're still talking about Romanoff, but the screen time goes just as much to her counterpart who didn't leave for America: Yelena Belova, played by Florence Pugh. There's also a scene that gives us more of the personalities at play with the other members of her family, Alexei Shostakov's Red Guardian (David Harbour) and Melina Vostokoff (Rachel Weisz).
Plus, the trailer finally gives viewers some of the Taskmaster's backstory as well.
Pugh's Belova seems like she's just as big a selling point for this film as Johansson is. Her description of the life she made up for her sister in Black Widowhood is downright charming. (Also, is "Your husband, he renovates houses" supposed to be an in-joke reference to Hawkeye's Jeremy Renner? Discuss.) The chemistry between all four of the Black Widow team jumps out of the trailer in that final scene. It's almost like fans should see this movie so they can finally experience what Romanoff is like when she gets a day off to relax at home.
But there's no rest for those with red on their ledger. This trailer also gives fans their first real dose of the Taskmaster and explains how the MCU has reimagined the character for the big screen. They're still someone who absorbs others' fighting styles. (That Captain America shield throw is a dead giveaway.) But in this version of the Marvelverse, the Taskmaster has taken over the Red Room, forcing the younger crop of Black Widows to do their bidding.
Romanoff isn't just fighting an enemy. She's fighting someone who is using and abusing her spiritual sisters. Most of the time, Black Widow is all business. But this time, it's personal.
Black Widow arrives in theaters Friday, May 1, 2020