
Taylor Swift Legit Broke Her No Cursing Rule To Diss Kanye West In “I Did Something Bad”

by Lilli Petersen
Frazer Harrison/Getty Images Entertainment/Getty Images

We've all known for awhile that Taylor Swift's new album, Reputation, was her bad-girl reinvention. But little did we know how bad-girl this girl was going to get. When the much-anticipated album dropped late on Nov. 9, fans were shocked to hear Taylor Swift cursing in "I Did Something Bad." GASP. THE SHOCK.

No, seriously though. Taylor Swift is known for rarely, if ever, cursing — her good-girl image has been enough of a thing that it's legitimately noteworthy when she does swear. Unlike you or I, she does not have the vocabulary of the average drunken sailor who just stubbed his toe. She's better than that. Or she was.

It looks like T.Swift is human after all, and when she's pissed, she uses the words her mother pretends she doesn't know. The third song on her new album, "I Did Something Bad," is already widely believed to be a Kanye West diss track. And the fact that Tay comes right out and swears on it is a heavy point in the theory's favor.

The first verse lays it out. The lyrics are all about lying, manipulation, and being all up in your own ego. Taylor sings:

I never trust a narcissist / But they love me / So I play 'em like a violin / And I make it look oh-so-easy / 'Cause for every lie I tell them / They tell me three / This is how the world works / Now all he thinks about is me

But then — it gets real. In the next verse Taylor sings,

I can feel the flames on my skin / Crimson red paint on my lips / If a man talks sh*t, then I owe him nothing / I don't regret it one bit, 'cause he had it coming

Hold on. That sound you hear is everyone coming to a screeching halt, turning around, and looking at the third line right there. Ahem. What did you say, Ms. Swift?

Fans were shook.

Although seriously, if there's anything that would make her do it, it's probably Taylor's Kimye beef.

A recap: In February of 2016, Kanye West debuted a song off his album Life of Pablo called "Famous," in which he rapped, "I feel like me and Taylor might still have sex / Why? I made that b*tch famous." He even showed Taylor Swift as one of several naked celebrities (via a wax figure, not the real Tay) in the video for the song, sleeping alongside him.

Taylor did not approve. Her team called the line misogynistic, and said she didn't know about the lyrics in advance. On the other side, Kanye said that he had gotten full approval from Taylor in an hour-long phone conversation. The two sides were at a PR impasse — until Kanye's wife, Kim Kardashian West, got involved. In July, she released a video of Taylor's call with Kim and Kanye, and Taylor is pretty clearly agreeing to the "Famous" lyric. The revelation got Tay called a snake on social media, and resulted in — as her album title hints at — her reputation dissolving.

And now she's back for revenge. It's the circle of celebrity beef, and it moves us all.

Seriously, I could say that all the people involved in this feud are grown adults and should just shake hands, agree to avoid each other at parties, and get over it — but if I'm being truly honest, I don't want that. A celebrity feud is a beautiful thing to be nurtured and enjoyed, preferably with popcorn and 3D glasses. Look at the beautiful things it brings us — like Taylor Swift coming out and saying the word "sh*t" in a diss track.

Preach, my friend. Enjoy this beautiful, salty diss for what it is. These moments are ephemeral.

Unless you bought the album on hard copy. Then you can revisit it whenever you want.