These Photos Of The Trumps & Obamas As First Couples Show Some Big Differences
We know that President Donald Trump and President Barack Obama had two very different White Houses. Not just because of their political leanings, but also to do with how contentious the Trump tenure has been so far. But what also appears to be vastly different is how Trump and Melania Trump and Obama and Michelle Obama lived together in the White House. These photos of the Trumps and the Obamas show the two pairs have completely different lives as first couples.
The relationship between Trump and Melania has been discussed quite a bit since Trump decided to run for office. It almost seems like the Internet is constantly looking for small details that might give some insight into their marriage. Did Melania swat away Trump's hand? Did she give him a dirty look behind his back? Did she wear a pussy-bow blouse to troll her husband? And why are Trump and Melania dancing like two pre-teens at a middle school dance?
While most first couples look to be pretty happy and cozy in the White House, #SaveMelania and #SadMelania were once trending on Twitter. Either way you look at it, pictures of the Obamas in the White House have a very different vibe than pictures of The Trumps.
Here's a charming photo of President Obama and Michelle dancing.
Do you see that? Look at Obama and Michelle holding each other close at the 2013 Commander-in-Chief Ball. This photo is total #goals. They look so absorbed in just being with each other, it's as if they forgot that there's thousands of others in the room.
On the other hand, here is a picture of the Trumps dancing.
Notice a difference? I mean, what is going on here? Who is Trump howling at? Also, this is the best of the bunch of Trump and Melania's first dance at the Inauguration in January 2017. Trust me when I say you don't want to see the others.
They aren't even looking at each other. Working towards becoming the president is a long hard journey (usually) for both the candidate and his partner, so given that, wouldn't you just want to enjoy the moment with the person you love, and celebrate the fact that you got there together? This looks like Trump is cheering on the Knicks. Or maybe booing the Knicks? Who knows.
Look at Obama sneaking a little kiss.
Here is a photo of President Obama and Michelle waiting for the newly-elected Trump and Melania to arrive on January 20, 2017, so they can proceed to the traditional handover of the White House. Look how Obama leans in for a little kiss as the couple prepares to say goodbye to their home of eight years.
Meanwhile, here is Trump leaving Melania in the dust.
Looks like Trump was pretty excited about getting the keys to the White House, because he ran up those stairs and left Melania behind, alone to carry the box.
Here's a picture of them all together that same day.
Peep what Obama is up to in that photo. That's right, sneaking in another kiss. Obama can be seen here kissing his wife's hand while Trump can be seen... well, definitely not doing that. Trump, you should totally be acknowledging your wife's Jackie O vibes right now.
The Obamas walking and talking.
Here is a snap of the Obamas walking to meet Hillary Clinton and Jon Bon Jovi and Bruce Springsteen on the eve of the 2016 elections, where President Obama urged voters to vote Clinton. "Reject fear and choose hope," he told the crowd at that rally for Clinton just before the election.
They are just walking to get somewhere but didn't waste the opportunity to hold hands and catch up. I imagine Obama is saying, "Which classic do you think Springsteen will play first? I'm so excited." You know, or something like that.
Meanwhile, here is a photo of Melania and Trump walking.
Trump and Melania also walk down lawns together sometimes, and don't they look happy here? Well, Melania is smiling, which is something, but she isn't acknowledging her husband. They aren't even holding hands on their way to the Marine One chopper on March 19. However, to give them some credit, during that same stroll Melania appeared to have tripped a little and Trump caught her, so that's nice.
There is no way to know what both these first couple's relationships are actually like behind closed doors. But if these photos are a look behind the curtain — well then. I'm no expert, but maybe Melania and Trump should take some notes from the Obamas on how to be adorably charming.