Photos Of This Epic Turkey Fail Are Going Viral & Twitter Is Absolutely Roasting The Chef
You probably spent Thanksgiving feeling thankful for all the positive aspects of your life, and one of those things might have been being able to chow down on all kinds of delicious grub (surrounded by family and friends, of course). Meanwhile, photos of burnt turkey have been making their way around the internet, causing people everywhere to kiss their mother's face for not serving them a burned beyond-recognition bird.
Come Thanksgiving time, turkey is the star of the show, and people expect big things from it. For one Twitter user, things didn't really go his way when it came to the cooking the turkey. Twitter user Montana Bay (@MontanaBayy) posted a photo on Thursday, Nov. 23 of a turkey that had clearly been in the oven just a bit too long. Seriously, the outside of the bird is as black as charcoal, and it looks about as crispy as coal, too. He captioned it with, "I tried," along with face-palm and shoulder-shrugging emojis. To be fair, it looks like he took the right steps that should have led to a turkey success. I mean, the turkey is in a roasting pan, and there appears to be some juice in the bottom, so some steps were taken to properly roast the bird.
Here is the very crispy bird.
In a move that will shock no one, Twitter users have taken to absolutely roasting the chef. (Poor Montana Bay, at least he shared his culinary flub with the world so we could enjoy his misfortune.)
This Twitter user noticed the bird's resemblance to a less-appealing household object. Why not just serve your guests a bag of trash next time?
Ah, maybe the turkey forgot to take off its Catwoman costume from Halloween.
We might need Eleven to help defeat this "Demoturkey" only fit for a Stranger Things feast.
Well, we don't know what temperature the oven was set to, so this could be a possibility.
Even though Montana Bay posted the photo on Thanksgiving, it appears that his coworker, Monica Noel (@Mon_Solo_) posted the photo before that on Monday, Nov. 20, and captioned it with, "My coworker doesn’t deserve holidays y’all, THANKSGIVING IS OVER, CANCELLED!"
So, maybe this was a work potluck or Friendsgiving gone wrong. Maybe (just maybe) this was a dry-run turkey and all of the kinks were worked out by Nov. 23. Fingers crossed for you, Montana Bay.
Either way, here is another look at the black bird.
A callback to the Christmas Vacation turkey was definitely in order.
'Tis the season, right?
Burning high-profile dinner items isn't as uncommon as you might think. Someone's brother kept his rolls in the oven for a minute too long. Not the carbohydrates!
I, for one, am thankful that this massacred turkey provided the opportunity to see Missy Elliott's "Supa Dupa Fly" trash bag suit.
How this bird ended up as a charred mess still remains shrouded in mystery.
A suggestion of putting this cook in charge of the lower-profile items was put forth.
Honestly, people were just really frightened by what happened to this bird.
However it happened, I just don't understand how it is so shiny. I think we might need to be privy to whatever glaze or brine was used here to fully solve this Thanksgiving mystery. The holiday is known for the abundance of food that friends and family come together to share, so hopefully there was some bomb AF stuffing and mashed potatoes (or at least a lot of gravy) to compensate for the unappetizing turkey.
If it's the effort that counts, then you have to give Montana Bay some credit for trying, and just be thankful that you weren't in charge of turkey duty Thanksgiving (it coulda been you!).
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