
Nikki Bella & John Cena Are Over For Good & I'm Not Crying, You Are

by Tara Martinez
Dia Dipasupil/Getty Images Entertainment/Getty Images

Nikki Bella and John Cena have been through a lot over the last few months. Back in April 2018, the couple decided to call off their wedding and take a breather from their relationship. Although they tried to rekindle the romance, TMZ is now reporting that Nikki Bella and John Cena are broken up for good. Elite Daily has reached out to Bella and Cena’s reps for comment on this report, but has not heard back at the time of publication.

UPDATE: Nikki Bella released a statement on Monday, July 30, confirming the breakup news. In her statement, Bella told People that although she had a wonderful relationship with Cena, this was the right decision for her, sharing:

After I called off the engagement, we tried to work on our relationship to get back to where it was, and in order to move forward with our wedding. After much time and soul-searching alone and together, we have decided to officially part ways. I had a beautiful and loving 6-year relationship with a wonderful man. I have the utmost respect for John, but I know this is what’s best for me.

PREVIOUSLY: According to TMZ, sources close to Cena and Bella say that the former couple is telling friends that they’re over and done with. The couple reportedly “grew apart” over the last few months. To add to that, TMZ reports that Bella decided she was done for good after watching an episode of Total Bellas. In the episode, Bella teeters on the edge of uncertainty about her relationship with Cena.

In the episode, which aired on Sunday, July 29, Bella can be seen grappling with the aftermath of canceling her wedding to Cena. Bella reflected on the situation:

John and I called the wedding off and I don’t know if that’s going to be something that I’m going to really regret. I just might have made the worst decision of my life or I might have just made the best decision of my life. And I guess only time will tell.

So, apparently, after watching herself go through such an emotional roller coaster and calling off the wedding, Bella decided that enough was enough.

Here's how it went down on the show:

Their break-up comes after months of ups and downs in the relationship. After canceling their wedding in April, Bella and Cena both went on record about how they viewed the relationship.

For both of them, the prospect of parenthood played a big part in why things didn’t work out. While Bella wanted children, Cena reportedly wasn’t so sure. But he changed his tune once marriage was off the table.

In a May 2018 interview on the Today Show, Cena explained that he was heartbroken and wanted to work things out with Bella:

I had my heart broken out of nowhere … or for me it was out of nowhere. Anyone who has experienced that knows it comes with a series of bad feelings … I love her. I want to be with her. I want to make her my wife. I want to be the father of her children. I just want us to work.
Alberto E. Rodriguez/Getty Images Entertainment/Getty Images

Around the same time, Bella gave a red carpet interview during which she explained how apprehensive she was about seeing the end of her relationship play out on screen:

I have to say it's going to be definitely very hard to relive and it's hard to document it, but at the same time, the Bella Army has been on this incredible journey with John and I and you know all the viewers at E! and I feel like I would be cheating them if I was to take away all that footage because it's real life. We go through these ups and downs and we wedding plan — we could be on cloud nine, but then sometimes it makes you just face a lot of things that are going on in your life and you truly see that this season.

Clearly, her apprehension about seeing it unfold on the show was spot on.