Cohen Postponed His Testimony To Congress Over Trump's Alleged Threats To His Family
Just when we thought the Trump-Cohen saga would be left in 2018, tensions have heightened even more. It's no secret that President Donald Trump and his former attorney Michael Cohen have a problematic relationship, but now, Michael Cohen has postponed his testimony to Congress thanks to alleged threats from Trump against his family. Elite Daily reached out to the White House for comment, but did not immediately hear back. If this is true, all I can say is, yikes.
According to a statement from Cohen's spokesperson Lanny Davis provided to Elite Daily on Wednesday, Jan. 23, Michael Cohen has postponed his expected Feb. 7 testimony in front of the House Oversight Committee due to President Donald Trump and his current attorney Rudy Giuliani allegedly threatening his family. Elite Daily reached out to the White House for comment, but did not immediately hear back. Davis' statement read,
Mr. Cohen volunteered to testify before the House Oversight Committee on February 7th. Due to ongoing threats against his family from President Trump and Mr. Giuliani, as recently as this weekend, as well as Mr. Cohen's continued cooperation with ongoing investigations, by advice of counsel, Mr. Cohen’s appearance will be postponed to a later date. Mr. Cohen wishes to thank Chairman Cummings for allowing him to appear before the House Oversight Committee and looks forward to testifying at the appropriate time. This is a time where Mr. Cohen had to put his family and their safety first.
Davis did not immediately provide a new date when Cohen might appear before the committee. Cohen is scheduled to begin a three-year prison sentence for crimes that include lying to Congress on March 6, 2019.
Cohen's appearance before the House Oversight Committee was announced on Thursday, Jan. 10, when The New York Times reported that the attorney would provide lawmakers with a "a full and credible account" of his experience working with President Trump. Safe to say, Cohen could provide Congress with quite a bit of information concerning Trump's personal and legal matters, seeing as the former attorney has been involved in some previously controversial dealings with the president. Since Cohen started cooperating with federal prosecutors, Trump hasn't been shy about airing his frustrations towards his former attorney, or his family.
On several occasions, Trump took to Twitter to point fingers at Cohen, sharing his opinion that Cohen should have to serve his entire prison sentence, and even appearing to imply that law enforcement should be keeping an eye on his former fixer's father-in-law for possible criminal activity. Even though it's not uncommon for Trump to use the social platform to call out his enemies, this was a little startling. Since then, some have suggested that Trump's tweets mentioning Cohen and his family could be seen as witness tampering via intimidation.
Giuliani addressed the president's comments during a press conference on Sunday, Jan. 20, saying Trump was only trying to "defend" himself. At least the president has one person on his side.
It may be a new year, but it looks like this political drama just might have gotten a whole new season. Grab that popcorn, the suspense is only heating up.