
Larry David Receives Major Backlash Over His Concentration Camp Joke On 'SNL'

by Danielle Valente

SNL caused quite a stir on Nov. 4. Host Larry David is but one of the reasons why the late-night show was a topic of conversation well into the following morning. While President Donald Trump (Alec Baldwin) got steamy in the shower with Paul Manafort (Alex Moffat), and Sarah Huckabee Sanders (Aidy Bryant) channeled Demi Lovato, Larry David's SNL concentration camp joke elicited major backlash.

The comedian took the stage during the cold open to discuss a major trend he has witnessed as of late: Jewish people receiving unfavorable press. During his seven-minute monologue, he said,

I don’t like when Jews are in the headlines for notorious reasons. I want ‘Einstein discovers the theory of relativity.’ ‘Salk cures polio.’ What I don’t want? ‘Weinstein took it out.’

But the Jewish references didn't stop there. David took things a step further and made a concentration camp joke — one that caused a lot of opinions to swirl online. David said,

I’ve always been obsessed with women, and I’ve often wondered: If I’d grown up in Poland when Hitler came to power and was sent to a concentration camp, would I still be checking out women in the camp? The problem is, there are no good opening lines in a concentration camp. ‘How’s it going?’ ‘They treatin’ you OK?’ ‘You know, if we ever get out of here, I’d love to take you out for some latkes. You like latkes?

Have a look at David's cold open and the jokes that caused a huge wave of emotions.

Naturally, people took to Twitter to condemn David's concentration camp jokes.

On the other hand, some sided with the comedian and didn't take offense to the cold open.

The jokes were definitely divisive, and the hashtag #LarryDavid proves that there are a myriad of opinions on the issue.

Meanwhile, Alec Baldwin impersonated our commander in chief in an unusual setting... the shower.

The skit opened with Paul Manafort (played by Alex Moffat) greeting President Donald Trump (Alec Baldwin) while under house arrest. In light of all the turmoil surrounding Manafort's charges, Trump decided to pay a visit to his former campaign manager to see how things were going. That's when the idea strikes — to work things out "Gone Girl style." (Perhaps this moment is just as frightening as the thriller.)

"I brought you to the shower to make sure you weren't wearing a wire, Paul," the president says. He presents Manafort with a proposition to go to prison for a "very, very, very long time," but not before taking a crack at Harvey Weinstein. "What an idiot that Harvey Weinstein is," Trump said. "He could've gotten away with all of it if only he had gotten himself elected president."

Of course, this shower wouldn't be fun unless other members of the Trump crew got in on the action. Vice President Mike Pence (Beck Bennett) joined (while wearing his suit because he "isn't married to the water") and so did Attorney General Jeff Sessions (Kate McKinnon), who arguably stole the show.


It was humorous, albeit awkward, but of course, not the only political reference. The Nov. 4 episode presented Sarah Huckabee Sanders (Aidy Bryant) in a new light... one that mimics the pop start Demi Lovato. In between questions at a White House press conference, "The Huck" seemed to fancy herself as a "confident" White House Press Secretary. C'mon, does anyone think Sean Spicer would be able to compete with those moves?

Watch Demi Lovato, er, Sarah Huckabee Sanders, work it during this press conference.

As per usual, the late-night sensation was humorous, a bit strange, and at times, controversial. We can't help but wonder what's in store for the next episode.