Kim K Posted A Sexy Pic On Insta But Fans Can't Stop Talking About This Tiny Detail
I was scrolling through my Instagram feed last night when I came across one of those weird sponsored posts from one of my favorite reality stars. This one was for a company called Flat Tummy Co. and while it's totally the kind of thing we're used to seeing from, say, former Bachelorette contestants like Corinne Olympios and Amanda Stanton, it's not the kind of post we'd expect from someone who's already super rich and super famous. And that's not even the biggest reason Kim Kardashian's Shake It Baby Instagram is getting slammed by her fans. It's the fact that she's promoting this thing from inside a pretty unsanitary kitchen.
In the image, KKW is standing barefoot on a grimy floor while holding a pint of milk in one hand, and pretending to sip from a small cup in the other. Oh, and she's wearing a white crop top and matching panties, because isn't that how you dress to stand around fake-guzzling milk in your disheveled kitchen?
Not gonna lie — I didn't even notice how shady the kitchen was at first because hello, amazing curves! But once Kim's followers pointed it out, it was all I could see. There are smudges all over, visible dirt on the floor, and what is up with that random black plug and the metal table all her shake paraphernalia is set-up on? It looks like something Caroline and Max would have found on the street during an early episode of Two Broke Girls, and then dragged into the apartment to use to get their cupcake business off the ground.
Whether or not Kim is 1) actually drinking a meal replacement shake in the picture and 2) even on the program in the first place is still up for debate. But even so, fans can't past the fact that she's hanging out in a kitchen that is clearly in need of a good Monica Geller-level of cleaning.
This wasn't some tiny, little throw-away promo, either. Here's what Kim wrote in the caption:
Little update for you guys. I’m on Day 9 of my Shake It Baby program from @flattummyco and I’m actually feeling so good. We had a massive Christmas this year and between my Mom's party, Christmas and New Years… I felt like it was impossible to fit in my regular work outs and eat healthy. But this program is giving me a kick in the right direction that I need. These meal replacement shakes are so good and it’s helping me get my tummy back to flat in the new year. The results I’m seeing and feeling are amazing and I’m so excited for the next few weeks. Because they’re all about getting women back on track… they’ve got a 20% off sale going on right now if you want to start 2018 off right… trust me, you’re going to want to check them out.
Comedian The Fat Jewish responded with a pithy: "Are you in a prison kitchen?" and the comments only got worse from there.
"Who wants to be barefoot in this kitchen?!" added another follower.
"If it is the kitchen of your house! It's dirty and ugly," wrote a third.
And from a fourth: "I couldn’t finish reading what @kimkardashian was selling over the bleakness level of this kitchen."
Here's the good news: There's no way in hell this is actually the Kardashian West kitchen because we all know Kanye would never have signed off on this mess. Still, we should all enjoy this ridiculousness of this image while we still can, because I'm pretty sure Kim's gonna delete this thing in a few days like she did with all those Kardashian Christmas Card photos.