Here's How You Can Support Your Hairstylist During The Coronavirus Outbreak
Whether you’re willing to try cutting your own bangs, attempting to dye your hair at home, or accepting defeat and leaving your hair untouched for the foreseeable future, you’re probably missing your hairstylist already — or will be soon. With salons shut down across the country, hairstylists are one of the many groups of workers left in the lurch of coronavirus (COVID-19). As they are reliant on appointments, regular clients, walk-ins, and tips, hairstylists are without a steady, reliable, and sustainable income as the coronavirus outbreak continues. So, here’s how to help your hairstylist financially during coronavirus if they’re in need.
If you have a personal relationship with your hairstylist, you don’t want to leave this person you rely on out in the cold. And supporting gig workers during coronavirus is important, regardless of whether or not you’re a regular anywhere. However, for social distancing to be effective, you’re not supposed to be within 6 feet of anyone you’re not already sharing a household with. Even if your salon is still open or your hairstylist is offering at-home visits, it’s not advisable that you partake in those. But how can you support your stylist right now? “I’ve seen many people prepay for future appointments, which is probably the most helpful, financially,” Paige Brueck, the owner of Pink Dagger studio in Atlanta, tells Elite Daily. So, if you have the means to, offer to pay for one or two future appointments right now, and when it’s safe to return to the salon, tip well.
“Writing nice reviews, commenting and liking [their] work, shouting them out on Instagram is really helpful,” Brueck says. Word of mouth will help your hairstylist and local salon build business for when the closures end. With all the extra time you have, leaving a Yelp or Google review or sharing content on your social media couldn’t be easier. Lots of stylists are posting tutorials or giving advice via Instagram, so do what you can to help bolster it.
“Gift cards are great. They help independent stylists who may need help to continue to pay rent, and salon owners to pay their stylists,” Rae Tengler, owner of Carson and Co. Salon in Denver, says. You might as well do some birthday and holiday shopping for your loved ones early — after all, everyone does love to be pampered. Another way to help out is by buying your products from your local hair salon, Tengler says. If you can, call your salon and see what they have in stock. Then, consider buying what you need straight from there. Depending on availability and hours, you can arrange to have your order delivered or coordinate a pick-up. If you’d rather donate money, but not an entire appointment’s worth, you can also call or email your local salon and see if they have an online fund set up for their staff.
If you can’t afford to help your hairstylist right now, consider signing the petition on Change.org to support a Federal Aid package for Cosmetology workers. The petition calls for the government to supply healthcare to those who lost their health insurance, to contribute $100 billion in low-interest loans for those self-employed, and unemployment benefits and relief aid to hairstylists.