Hillary Clinton Perfectly Trolled Donald Trump In A Graduation Speech & You Have To See It
It's no secret that Hillary Clinton isn't the biggest fan of President Donald Trump. And who can blame her? The woman devoted her life to politics and wound up loosing to a reality TV star and real estate mogul with virtually no political experience at the time. Luckily, the former secretary of state has a sense of humor and found a way to make light of the situation, which is exactly what she did at her latest speaking engagement. Hillary Clinton's Yale commencement speech trolled Trump perfectly, and her audience was absolutely loving it.
Immediately after the 2016 presidential election, Clinton didn't make a ton of public appearances. But now that she's had some time to reflect, Clinton's been booking speaking engagements left and right and published a book titled What Happened?, which details the election from her point of view and was followed by a subsequent book promo tour. Her latest speech was at Yale University's 2018 commencement exercises, Clinton's law school alma mater.
In that speech, Clinton couldn't resist taking a jab at Trump and mocked him for Special Counsel Robert Mueller's ongoing Justice Department investigation into whether or not his election campaign colluded with the Russian government in order to sway the election. The senior class at the university has a tradition of wearing unique and over-the-top hats for their graduation, and Clinton also brought a ridiculous hat of her own. She whipped out a Russian fur ushanka hat, and said, "Look — I mean, If you can't beat em, join em!" — a perfect punchline that was met with roaring laughter and applause from the audience.
Even as the second anniversary of that election night is approaching in just a few months this coming November, people still want to know how Clinton is feeling and what she thinks about the presidential election result — although many have also criticized her for talking about just that. It's pretty much the number one topic that Clinton speaks about these days — and in this latest commencement speech, Clinton answered her audience's questions concerning the 2016 election before they even asked. "Let me just get this out of the way — no, I'm not over it," Clinton revealed to the Yale graduates, "I still think about the 2016 election, I still regret the mistakes I made."
Before critics of Clinton's accuse her of not accepting the result and unnecessarily obsessing over her loss to Trump, her reasoning for feeling the way she feels is actually very important. "Understanding what happened in such a weird and wild election in American history will help us defend our democracy in the future," Clinton explained, "we all have a stake in that. So as a person, I'm OK. But as an American, I'm concerned."
Clearly, she doesn't want history to repeat itself in the form of this election for a second time. Clinton implies in this speech that an important part of not allowing an election like 2016 to happen again is to continuously reflect on what mistakes were made by her campaign — which seems to be what Clinton is attempting to do.
Would I still be bitter if I lost to someone as dramatically as Clinton did back in 2016? Absolutely. I don't expect Clinton to stop discussing how she felt and continues to feel about that election result anytime soon.
It appears as though she's made peace with what happened and is using the fact that she's "not over it" as a means to ensure that this nation's democracy isn't compromised in the future. But in the moments where Clinton might feel those bitter feelings over Trump's victory, at least she knows how to make a joke to make light of the situation.
Disclosure: Hillary Clinton's son-in-law Marc Mezvinsky joined Social Capital, an investor in Bustle Digital Group, in mid 2017 and joined the Board of Bustle Digital Group in early 2018.