Here's Where You'll Meet Your Summer Fling, Based On Your Zodiac Sign
Summer is almost here, and you know what that means: It's time for some good old summer lovin'. Yep, 'tis the season to have an extra-hot fling with someone new — or maybe even someone you've had your eye on for a while. Because, let’s be honest, hooking up on a hot summer night is one of the best things about this time of year. So, I guess that means the only question is where you’ll meet your summer fling.
The answer is, pretty much anywhere! But there are some places where your odds are probably better than others; simply because it's where you probably feel most confident and flirty, and this (like so much else), we can discern using your zodiac sign. Are you a social butterfly who can strike up a conversation? Or do you feel like your best self when surrounded by nature? By knowing when and where you're likely to find love, you can make sure to be on the lookout for folks who are feeling the same way. So, with all that said, here's where you're most likely to find your summer fling this year, based on your zodiac sign. Warning: Things are about to really heat up.
ARIES (MARCH 21 TO APRIL 19): On Vacation
It’s hard enough to pin down an Aries any time of year, but when the weather warms up and activities and adventures call, it's out of the question. Any romantic connections they make are going to be on the go. And when on vacation, a summer fling is definitely on Aries’ travel agenda.
TAURUS (APRIL 20 TO MAY 20): A Fourth of July Party
Chances are your friends have been trying to set you up with someone all year, and a Fourth of July party is just the perfect excuse to get you and your potential candidate in the same place. Go for it, and don't worry, Taurus. It's a summer fling. You’ll be celebrating your much-loved independence again soon enough.
GEMINI (MAY 21 TO JUNE 20): Happy Hour At A Beer Garden
Of all the signs, no one spits better game than Gemini. So, anytime you're somewhere you have the chance to just sit and flirt with various people, like in a beer garden, you’ll have your pick of summer fling opportunities.
CANCER (JUNE 21 TO JULY 22): An Outdoor Music Festival
For an artistic an emotional sign like Cancer, nothing brings out their romantic side like being swept away by their favorite bands at a music festival. And let's be real, no one looks cuter in festival wear than a Cancer.
LEO (JULY 23 TO AUG. 22): Laying Out At The Beach
Leo is not afraid to show off their assets, so when the sun's out, this sign's buns are most definitely at the beach. And since this kind of confidence is super sexy, the potential flings will be lining up for a chance to smooth a little SPF on Leo.
VIRGO (AUG. 23 TO SEPT. 22): A Farmer's Market
Virgos appreciate the finer things in life, whether that’s organic produce or the cutie making eyes at you over the kale. And if you're able to do some shopping and pick up a little short-term romance in one errand, well, that's just the kind of efficiency Virgo can get behind — and underneath.
LIBRA (SEPT. 23 TO OCT. 22): Grabbing An Iced Coffee
For the ultimate social butterfly of the zodiac, anywhere you’re standing still next to someone is the perfect opportunity to strike up a conversation. So of course, standing in a line for a coffee is a great excuse to chat up the cutie behind or in front of you — or both.
SCORPIO (OCT. 23 TO NOV. 21): A Rooftop Bar
For Scorpio, summer is all about the nightlife. They know how to really make the most of those warm summer nights. A rooftop bar with lots of sexy, sophisticated singles is your true summer fling hunting ground.
SAGITTARIUS (NOV. 22 TO DEC. 21): The Botanical Garden
Nothing makes Sagittarius feel more amorous than being surrounded by nature — which is why they love getting frisky in the great outdoors so much. It just make sense that their summer fling would be like-minded enough to run into them at a botanical garden, or any other beautiful outdoor space.
CAPRICORN (DEC. 22 TO JAN. 19): On A Hike
For Capricorn, life is all about achieving goals, so they love summer activities that test their skill and endurance, like an advanced hike. And nothing is a bigger turn-on than crushing a goal. If you just so happen to meet someone hot along the way while you’re feeling your oats, well, you can guess what happens next.
AQUARIUS (JAN. 20 TO FEB. 18): An Equal Rights March
We live in troubling times, and for a humanitarian sign like Aquarius, you can bet they're feeling it and are driven to do something about it. So, don't be surprised if you find summer lovin’ on the picket line.
PISCES (FEB. 19 TO MARCH 20): A Pool Party
Pisces feels peak sexy when they are near water, so at a pool party, you can bet they're sending out all the come hither, summer fling energy that's sure to attract some takers.
Yep, love is definitely in the air this time of year, so don’t be afraid to get out there and get some.
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