You Might Be Able To See The Northern Lights This Weekend From These States
Labor Day is finally here, y'all, and you know what that means: cookouts, late nights out, and hopefully a little bit of time off from work. And it seems as though Mother Nature is really coming in clutch for United States residents as they celebrate the end of summer 2019 by giving nature lovers and celestial enthusiasts a glimpse of the Northern Lights. That's right — if you're interested in a little late night stargazing, here's where to see the Northern Lights in the U.S. for Labor Day weekend.
Like I said, the Aurora Borealis, aka the Northern Lights, may — in fact — be visible to mainland Americans this weekend. As of publication, the NOAA's Space Weather Prediction Center is predicting a G1 or G2 geomagnetic storm to occur on Saturday, Aug. 31 and Sunday, Sept. 1. in mainland U.S.A.
Since you're probably dying to know where the Northern Lights will appear this weekend, take a look at the following states, which might be able to catch a view. For this weekend, they include: Washington, Idaho, Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Michigan, and Maine, according to Travel + Leisure. So if you happen to live in any of those lucky locations, I strongly suggest catching a glimpse for yourself. If anything, it'll make for a seriously sick Instagram post.
There's a slight chance that several other locations across the Midwest and Great Lakes might be able to see the Northern Lights during Labor Day weekend, according to ABC57. These lucky locations include: Omaha, Nebraska; Des Moines, Iowa; Chicago, Illinois; Milwaukee, Wisconsin; South Bend, Indiana; Indianapolis, Indiana; Fort Wayne, Indiana; Grand Rapids, Michigan; Detroit, Michigan; Columbus, Ohio; Cleveland, Ohio; Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania; Buffalo, New York, New York City, New York; and Boston, Massachusetts. It might simply appear as a "green glow on the horizon," but taking the chance to try and see them definitely sounds worth it.
While each of these mainland locations are likely to get a glimpse of the colorful natural occurrence, the best views will be undoubtedly be from the Northernmost parts of Canada and in Maine, according to Travel + Leisure. But, it still doesn't hurt to try and see them from any of the above locations. And if you do decide to try and see them for yourself, make sure to go somewhere that's relatively dark, with a view that's as unobstructed by light pollution as possible. With that being said, seeing them from New York City definitely won't be easy.
While seeing the Northern Lights in the U.S. this weekend would be undeniably sweet, this actually isn't a once-in-a-lifetime occurrence. The Aurora Borealis have appeared in the U.S. during summertime geomagnetic storms several times before. So if your view isn't ideal tonight, it probably won't be the last time the Northern Lights make their way down here. Either way, I'm breaking out my telescope and a buttload of snacks as we speak. So if you need me tonight, I'll be eagerly waiting for a natural light show on my rooftop.