6 Ways To Have An Unforgettably Amazing New Year's Eve If You're Single

by Laura Moses

It's hard to believe that New Year's Eve is already upon us, but it's true. Even if you're still wrapping up your holiday shopping, you might already be looking to New Year's Eve and starting to make plans. Perhaps you've got a trip planned, or a fancy dinner reservation on the books, but if you're wondering what to do on New Year's Eve 2019 if you're single, look no further! If you're single and want to mingle, or if you're single and want to hibernate solo, there's a lot of fun and easy ways to ring in the new year.

There can be a lot of pressure around NYE, and if you're single you might feel extra pressure to make sure you have fabulous plans, or even set up a last-minute date in an attempt to score a smooch at the stroke of midnight. Just because you don't have a plus-one is no reason to avoid attending any party or gathering being thrown — your friends will be thrilled to celebrate with you. If you're single and thinking about staying home, it might be nice to have a plan for the evening to make it feel special and not just like any old night. By making even a small plan for your night in, you'll feel festive and celebratory, which is a perfect way to end this year. Read on for some great, single-friendly NYE ideas!

Go To A Concert


Going to a concert on New Year's Eve is the perfect way to spend the evening if you want to get out of the house, be around tons of people, and do something that's kind of non-traditional! Plus, you can totally have fun at a concert without a date. Sure, the artist might announce the countdown to midnight, but being surrounded by good music and good vibes is sure to set the tone for a brilliant new year for you.

Host A Party


Instead of worrying about where you're going to go and who you're going to hang out with, take matters into your own hands! You can decide the "where" and the "who" of your NYE plans by inviting a few friends over to your place, ordering some pizza or something equally simple, and hosting a small party! Everyone's looking for something to do on NYE, and what better way to spend it than with your closest buddies in the safe space of your home?

Have A Home Spa Night


If the idea of going to a party, hosting friends at your place, or simply putting on pants makes you go "hard pass" this New Year's Eve, then go ahead and plan for a decadent night of self-care. Set up a home spa night with all the things you'll need to start the new year fresh-faced and restored. Try a charcoal mask, a healing salt bath, and a deep conditioning hair mask. You'll be much more rested and glowing than you were the day (and year) before!

Have A Meditative Evening


NYE marks both the ending of a busy year and the beginning of a new year. The upcoming year is full of potential and promise, and spending your NYE meditating and setting your intentions and goals for the year to come can be very centering. Focusing your energy on what you want to accomplish, how you want to grow, and what you're grateful for can be calming, can set you on a productive trajectory for the year, and can also be a lot of fun. Consider adding some crystals to your collection, burning some incense, and getting your inner peace on.

Go To A Party


Just because you don't have a boyfriend or a girlfriend to bring with you to a party doesn't mean you can't go and show that party who's boss! Here's the thing: You're almost guaranteed to not be the only single one there, so even if you're flying solo, you won't be alone. It'll be a blast — so this NYE, say "hell yes" to that invitation.

Have A Movie Marathon


While it seems like every film ever made is now at the tip of your fingertips, there are probably a lot of movies you've never gotten around to watching. Make a list of the top three you've missed and set them up in your queue. Alternatively, consider tackling a trilogy or a series of movies you've loved in the past. Pop some popcorn, uncork that nice bottle of wine you've been saving, and press "play."

While NYE can be a meaningful holiday, try not to put too much pressure on making a plan for the "perfect" evening. The most important thing is to be honest with yourself about whether you want to make a big plan or keep it low-key, be solo or join friends, and go out or stay home. Once you've figured that out, then pick from this list of ideas and have a wonderful eve!