Make Dalgona Coffee Without Instant Coffee Using These Simple Swaps
You've probably seen a new viral coffee creation getting plenty of buzz on social media. The whipped cup of joe, called dalgona coffee, is a 'Gram-worthy drink that'll keep you energized all day. Though the recipe calls for instant coffee, there are simple substitutes if you don't have any on hand. Here's how to make dalgona coffee without instant coffee for a tasty at-home sip.
TikTok user @iamhannahcho shared the whipped coffee recipe on Tuesday, March 10, and it's quickly taken over social media since it's super easy to make. The recipe, however, includes instant coffee, which may not be an ingredient you have on hand. Thankfully, you can easily turn regular coffee into instant coffee if that's all you have at home.
One way is to grind your coffee beans into a fine powder. To do this, you'll need to pour one scoop of ground coffee beans into the cup of a coffee grinder. Then, grind the coffee for around 30 seconds so that it's a fine consistency. You can check the coffee and repeat for another 30 seconds if necessary. You'll then pour out the coffee through a sieve so that only the finest powder is left, which is what you'll use as your instant coffee replacement.
Another way you can use ground coffee like instant coffee is by putting ground coffee in a cup and adding hot water to it. Stir the mixture and wait for a few minutes before grabbing another cup and putting a filter over it. You'll then pour the brewed coffee into that cup in order to filter out the coffee grains from the brewed coffee. To make the flavor stronger, you could also grind the coffee to a finer consistency or use less water when making your drink.
Once you have your instant coffee ready to go, you can make dalgona coffee. To do so, put an equal amount of instant coffee powder or your instant coffee substitute, sugar, and hot water in a bowl (most people have been using around two tablespoons of each ingredient). Then, use a whisk, blender, or a milk frother to whip the three ingredients until stiff peaks form. Finally, pour about a half-glass of the milk of your choice and layer the whipped coffee on top for a truly aesthetic concoction. There are plenty of other ways you can spice up the dalgona coffee recipe, so you can experiment with what works best for you.
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