The Director Of 'Framing Britney Spears' Weighed In On Whether Britney Really Watched
The latest Hulu documentary about the challenges faced by one of the pop music industry's brightest stars is raising important questions across the internet. One question left unanswered, however, is has Britney Spears seen Framing Britney Spears? Conflicting reports have left the show's director confused about whether or not to believe that Spears has actually watched it, but a new clip from Andy Cohen's radio show seems to imply the star does actually appreciate all the newfound support she's getting from the public, whether she saw it or not.
"I don't believe that story," Framing Britney Spears director Samantha Stark told Andy Cohen on Feb. 10 in response to a report from the New York Post claiming Spears had watched her film. Stark cited conflicting reports from Page Six about whether or not Spears watched the buzzy documentary as to why she doesn't believe the story. In a world where anonymous tips rule a lot of the freshest stories coming out of Hollywood, it's safe to say that some reports should be taken with a grain of salt.
The well-connected Cohen, however, believes the report that Spears watched the new show. He also said on his radio show that he believes she appreciates the support from the world in response to harassment she endured throughout the 2000s from the press and the public. "I do believe it, and I spoke to someone yesterday that makes me think she did [watch Framing Britney Spears]," he told Stark. While viewers can't take Cohen's word for it necessarily, the show's director responded well to the news.
"Well, if that's true, then that makes me very, very happy," Stark told Cohen. Still, the director seemed unconvinced due to the nature of the press' anonymous tips about the situation. Until Spears herself comes forward with a statement directly addressing he documentary, which is looking unlikely due to her relatively vague post on her social media following the film's release, nobody can be too sure about whether or not she's watched it.
In the end, it doesn't really matter whether or not Spears watched the documentary, though, because she lived through the constant harassment she faced in the early aughts. The beloved pop star deserves the public's support, not constant criticism and speculation.