Hailey Posted A Whole Bible Verse About "Getting Along" On IG, So Haters Back Off
If you learn anything from Hailey Baldwin today, it's to wish the best for your haters. After getting into a bit of a Twitter spat with Swifties, the model seems to be moving past the drama and negativity. Hailey Baldwin's Instagram quote about "getting along" proves she's taking the high road.
So first, let me get you up to speed. On Oct. 3, Jimmy Fallon had Taylor Swift as his guest on The Tonight Show With Jimmy Fallon. During the interview, Fallon revealed that he obtained a video of Taylor Swift post-Lasik eye-surgery. Swift's mom gave it to him because she knew the video was super amusing. You see, in it, Swift cries over a banana. Yep, you read that right — a banana.
First, Swift struggled to choose a banana she would like to eat. "This wasn't the one I wanted," she whimpered. Swift then picked up another banana and took hilarious issue with it not having a head (whatever that means). Regardless, Swift was on the edge of a meltdown. To make matters more comical, Swift was also wearing those ginormous post-surgery goggles and face tape. It's funny and Swift clearly thought so too, as she laughed along with Fallon in the interview clip.
Then, Justin Bieber made fun of Swift's banana ordeal during an Instagram live on Oct. 6 and Baldwin could be heard chuckling in the background.
Seeing as Swift and Bieber aren't exactly friends after his manager, Scooter Braun, bought her backlog of music in July 2019, causing a rift between the two artists, this video wasn't received well by Swifties. Many took issue with Baldwin laughing in the background and said as much on Twitter.
"i don’t know anything about hailey and justin or their marriage. but their behavior against taylor was really childish. they should focus on their career / marriage / life instead of putting out negativity," one fan wrote.
Another fan just wanted to know why Jailey were thinking about Swift when they should seemingly be focusing on their post-wedding-ceremony bliss, writing, "Justin Bieber and Hailey Bieber spent their honeymoon thinking of Taylor Swift."
Baldwin never addressed the criticism about her Instagram Live with Bieber directly, but she has seemingly addressed all the negativity in a somewhat cryptic Instagram post.
Baldwin seemingly decided to take the high road and took to Instagram to share a few inspiring words from the Bible:
How wonderful, how beautiful, when brothers and sisters get along! It’s like costly anointing oil flowing down head and beard, flowing down Aaron’s beard, flowing down the collar of his priestly robes. It’s like the dew on Mount Hermon flowing down the slopes of Zion. Yes, that’s where God commands the blessing, ordains eternal life. Psalm 133:1-3.
Now, for those who may be unfamiliar, getting one's head anointed with oil is like, the ultimate blessing — and it seems that Baldwin wants nothing more than her haters to receive some blessings.
It looks like Baldwin is closing the book on this Twitter moment and moving on. Haters do the same!