Everyone's Talking About This 'Bachelor' Contestant, But Does She Win?
Now that Season 22 of The Bachelor has officially gotten underway viewers are immediately sizing up the sea of ladies competing for Arie's heart. Twenty-nine women quickly whittled down to 21 in the first episode and now #BachelorNation's brain gears are turning with predictions and instincts about how everything is going to play out. One contestant in particular is getting a lot of attention. Does Bekah winThe Bachelor?
The enchanting nanny from Los Angeles seems like she has a taste for life's little thrills, not unlike Arie and his race car driving ways — the woman is an avid rock climber. "I'm like a mix of gentle and nurturing, but punctuated by moments of excitement and adrenaline," she described in her intro. "I know that Arie is a former race car driver which is like, a good sign. I'm a very adventurous, spontaneous person ... I'm excited to possibly fall in love."
Of course, the question on everyone's mind is if Arie fell in love with her. Many fans of the franchise think she's a definite frontrunner for a few key reasons.
1. She Stands Out
Even though Bekah's age has been a topic of discussion ever since ABC released the cast bios and hers was mysteriously absent, that may not actually matter to Arie. These two seem to have things in common beyond the gaps in their birth years (spoiler: it's been reported she's 22-years-old, so, yeah) and her free-spirited personality is likely to take her to the next level. Also, she's the only Bachelor contestant to ever rock short hair if you can believe it or not.
"What are three things that make you excited to be alive?" Bekah asked him when they sat down one-on-one. "Excitement," he first answered. "I mean, yeah, adrenaline, I guess. I'm a race car driver..." he added. "I'm a rock climber, so I get it," she responded. Ding. Ding. Ding.
2. They Hit It Off Immediately
Kudos to Bekah for pulling up in a '65 Mustang and making an eye-catching entrance. "I may be young, but I still appreciate something classic," Bekah quipped when they first met. There's that whole age thing again... "She is so beautiful," he remarked as she walked away.
Love at first sight? Clearly these two have off-the-charts chemistry brewing.
"Bekah has definitely set the bar high," Arie confessed after they talked again. "She is stunning and she is smart and she is funny. At the end of the day I want to get married and there are so many amazing women here, it's making me feel really positive about that."
We have to admit we were a little surprised Bekah didn't nab the first impression rose, but Arie has explained that the "confidence" he got from Chelsea's actions were why he went in that direction.
3. We Clearly Haven't Seen the Last Of Her
"You make me smile on like, an extreme level, which I love," Arie reveals to Bekah in the trailer for the season as the two of them make what I can only describe as googly eyes at each other. There's also a quick shot of them making out in a hot tub. Plus, a scene where Arie hugs and consoles her as she sheds a few tears. Aww.
Even Chris Harrison chose Bekah as a one of his "Top 5 Contenders" in a December interview with PEOPLE,
She’s a starlet. There is something about this girl’s energy that blows Arie away and he is captivated by her. They have this chemistry that gets under his skin.
Arie has admitted that he falls for "two very different women," so perhaps Bekah is one of them. If that's the case, we look forward to watching their reality TV love blossom.