
These 3 Zodiac Signs Will Have The Best Week & You're Getting All The Magic

by Roya Backlund

Do the holidays make you feel like a little kid again or what? With all the Christmas lights sparkling the neighborhood, the Christmas tree filling the room with its forest smell, and all your loved ones together after such a long and complicated year, what's not to love? And believe me, some of us will be loving the holidays more than others, which brings me to my main point: As of December 24, 2018, this will be the best week for these zodiac signs: Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn. Lucky for you, you'll feel the amazing vibes just as strongly if any of the following happen to be your rising sign.

Why do you think earth signs are the one's who might be embracing the holiday season more than anyone else? Well, as of last week, the sun entered Capricorn, launching all of them into an incredibly satisfying time of year. With the emotionally overwhelming full moon in Cancer out of the way, there's nothing to stand between them and fully diving in to the earth season fun. While Capricorn wants you to take your goals seriously and work hard to become a better person, it also wants you to pat yourself on the back for getting this far. You deserve it.

Taurus: The Holidays Are Starting To Feel Like An Adventure

During Capricorn season, the sun is in your ninth house of adventure and wisdom, opening your mind and showing you the world. There's nothing you can't accomplish, nothing you can't reach, and nowhere you can't go. The possibilities are truly limitless and the cosmos want you to take full advantage of all the things that are now available to you.

When the sun is in your ninth house, you're meant to leave behind your usual routine and try something new. Is there something you've always wanted to try but never got around to it? Is there a vacation you're ready to finally bite the bullet and take? There's no bette time than now. Everything you experience will sink deep into your heart.

Virgo: It Really Is The Most Wonderful Time Of The Year

I'm willing to bet that Capricorn season is your favorite season (except for, well, you know, Virgo season). Why? Because when the sun is in Capricorn, it's also in your fifth house of fun and pleasure. This has the potential to be the most exciting and gratifying time of your year, because the only job you have is to enjoy it.

The fifth house is all about engaging in a deep self-love, putting yourself out there under a spotlight, and interacting with the world creatively. Do yourself a favor and stop worrying so much about things that are out of your control. The only moment you're promised is the one you're experiencing right now, so try to remember that you're inner child is alive and well and they want to play with you.

Capricorn: You're Totally In Your Happy Place This Week

Praise you, Capricorn queen. The sun has officially entered your first house of the self, sending your energy out into the universe and asking you to lead the way. It's no wonder that the holidays are your domain.

With the sun in your first house of the self, you've entered a period of utmost confidence, will, and drive. You're getting in touch with your gut feeling and cutting down all the nonsense to get to the core of who you are. This is a time to think about how far you've come in the past year, and even though there are probably things you wish you'd done differently, you still owe it to yourself to acknowledge all the success an progress you've made.