Here’s What Ciara's Zodiac Sign Says About Her As A Partner
Ciara's marriage to Seattle Seahawks player Russell Wilson is the kind of love story you normally only see in movies. The two had a chance meeting at a college basketball game in March 2015 that was essentially love at first sight. Their first public appearance together was at a White House dinner a month later, and they were married in July 2016. They now share a daughter and have a second baby on the way. The love between them is clear every time they step out together or post a fam selfie on Instagram that's cute enough to melt even the coldest heart. But when you take Ciara's zodiac sign into account, this passion makes perfect sense.
Ciara was born Oct. 25, 1985, under the sign of Scorpio. If you’ve ever been loved by a Scorpio, then you know what an intense and all-encompassing experience it can be. Scorpio doesn’t do anything halfway. They're either all-in or all-out on a relationship, and when they're in, they expect their partner to be just as devoted. For some people, this can be a bit too intense or intimidating, but for those who can appreciate Scorpio's nature, they get a partner whose loyalty and passion is unsurpassed. With all that in mind, this is probably what Ciara's like as a partner, based on her zodiac sign.
Scorpio loves hard.
Scorpio's a powerhouse of a sign. They exude strength thanks to their connection to Pluto, the heavenly body associated with power and transformation. But what might come as a surprise is that this water sign's far more emotional and vulnerable than they might first appear. Beneath their armor, they're all heart, and they crave deep, romantic connections that will allow them to fully bare the soft, loving side they keep hidden. When a partner proves themselves worthy of Scorpio's love, they hold nothing back.
Their biggest struggles are trust and jealousy.
Because Scorpio loves so hard and so deeply, they have a lot of vulnerability to protect. Beneath all their confidence and bravado, Scorpio knows that love is their greatest weakness. They put themselves out there completely, so a broken heart can be totally devastating, which leads this sign to be pretty possessive. What's theirs is theirs, and anyone who threatens that connection will feel Scorpio's sting. Loyalty is absolutely everything to Scorpio, and when they feel like they can fully trust someone, they're your ride-or-die. They'll fiercely protect the ones they love through the hardest of times, but have no doubt — they expect the same level of dedication and loyalty in return.
Scorpios have a well-earned reputation for being passionate lovers.
Scorpio's known as the most sexual sign in the zodiac. Along with an emotional connection, Scorpio needs to be sexually compatible with their partner in order to thrive in the relationship. Their high sex drive will require a partner who can keep up. As much as they're all heart, they prefer passion to romance, and they're uninhibited and at their most confident in bed.
Scorpios like Ciara make for unforgettable partners. They're passionate, powerful, fantastic lovers, and loyal until the end. No wonder Wilson always looks so smitten — you would be too.
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