
Trolls Tried To Mom-Shame Chrissy Teigen's Pic With Luna & Miles & Her Clapback Was Epic

by Jamie LeeLo
Instagram / Chrissy Teigen

There is no denying celebrities have to deal with an intense amount of scrutiny that the rest of us normal folk simply know nothing about. With every Instagram, Snapchat, and video, trolls are just lining up waiting to see what famous people might be doing wrong so they can call them out for it and then feel so freaking good about themselves. Chrissy Teigen is no stranger to this kind of blowback and is arguably one of the most self-aware fan-favorite celebs out there. That's why Chrissy Teigen's response to people mom shaming her photo with Miles and Luna is so satisfying. She's witty, present, and unbothered by the unfair commentary. Basically, she's just the best.

Teigen caught the most recent hater BS thanks to a photo she shared on Instagram with both of her kids at the beach. In one arm, she's holding her newborn Miles and in the other Luna is perched up like a princess. The thing is, Teigen's caption already addressed the kind of comments jerks were probably going to leave. She jokingly described her thought process behind posting this particular picture, writing:

Should I post the one where his head looks unsupported but my face looks good and Luna is over it, the one where his head is supported but my face is just okay and Luna is over it, or him crying and my face looks okay and luna is over it?

This is the picture she went with:

Let's be real. The family is stunning. Teigen looks serene and calm and her babies are tiny little treasures... Too bad haters can't help but ruin a good thing.


Honestly, most people commented on how authentic and stunning Teigen and her family looked. Other moms rejoiced in her openness, saying there was never a class on how to be the perfect mother and everyone is just doing their best. Jerks, on the other hand, think Teigen is showing too much skin, that her breast is about to come out, and say Miles face shouldn't be so exposed to the sun, it's hurting his eyes, blah blah blah.

One person wrote, "He doesn't look too happy with the sun in his little eyes." Instagram account CommentsByCelebs caught Teigen's response and it's oh so perfect. She wrote back, "He told me he loves it."

commentsbycelebs / Instagram

Ugh. So simple. So sweet.

Somewhere, that woman is reading this comment Teigen literally tagged her in and that makes me feel better about a lot of things. The ugly side of social media is giving haters a platform to say whatever they want from the safety behind their screens. However, for celebs like Teigen, they have to carry their personal lives and business in front of the whole world to see. Just imagine what Teigen would discover about you if she could peek into your world on the regular!

Miles made his big debut to the world three days before his dad John Legend had to attend the Billboard Music Awards for a special performance. Once again, Teigen was one step ahead of her haters and posted a funny photo of herself and Miles watching Legend at the awards show on television from the comfort of their own couch. She trolled Legend, writing, "wow didn’t u just have a baby John smh go take care of it !!!!!! disgusting."

Listen, meanies. Teigen knows your game and she's better at it. In fact, she's better at everything. Why don't you sit down, listen up, and learn a thing or two?

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