Bekah M. Reveals The Man She Really Wanted To Be The Bachelor & We Get It
If Bachelor Nation (or Arie, or Tia for that matter) is questioning why 22-year-old Bekah went looking for love on national television, we now have one very good reason. Like the majority of America, Bekah M. wanted Peter to be the Bachelor. And while Bekah clearly hit it off with Arie during her stint on the show, the most recent Season 22 cast-off is now revealing that she actually had her heart set on another alum of the franchise. I feel you, Bekah.
Arie and Bekah had genuine chemistry galore — they laughed, kissed, and even engaged in some semi-deep (for The Bachelor) convos throughout their time together. Obviously the couple wasn't a match made in reality TV heaven, because the 36-year-old Arizona real estate agent decided that it was time to let her go on Monday's episode. In a shocking turn of events, Bekah got the boot over Tia and Kendall following an awkward group date where Tia went ahead and expressed to Arie that Bekah might not be taking the process seriously. As is tradition on this show, poor Bekah was last seen crying in the backseat of a limo somewhere in Tuscany. Don't shed tears over Arie, Bekah! You didn't even sign up for the show for this guy.
It's true. The funny and endearing Los Angeles nanny and her so-called "trippy" earrings made an appearance on Jimmy Kimmel Live on Monday night to discuss her experience on the show and clear some things up along the way. As it turns out, she's been a longtime fan of the ABC series. “For one thing, I have been a fan of the show for years… I’ve been telling my family and friends, like, ‘Yeah I’m going on The Bachelor one day,’" she told Jimmy. Note: There are as many seasons of The Bachelor as there have been years in her life thus far.
Bekah ended up getting cast for Season 22, but here's the hiccup. “Well, I was hoping it would be Peter [Kraus] and it ended it up being Arie,” she also confessed. Makes sense. She's definitely not the only one who felt that way. There's a reason the #NotMyBachelor hashtag is still a thing.
Peter Kraus was, of course, the charming Wisconsin trainer from Rachel Lindsay's season of The Bachelorette. After he solidified his place in the runner-up spot when he couldn't commit to a marriage proposal, we all had high hopes he would swoop in and take the next Bachelor spot. There's always next year! *fingers crossed 4eva*
Even though it was under tense and tearful circumstances (ahem, I'm looking at you, Tia), Arie had to do what he felt was right by parting ways with Bekah when he did. The all-knowing Chris Harrison weighed in to Entertainment Weekly about the surprising choice, explaining,
We all know that Arie was magnetically drawn to Bekah M. from the beginning, but as soon as he found out her age in Lake Tahoe, I think he had been systematically trying to use his logic to convince himself that his feelings weren’t legitimate. It’s hard to know how his relationship with Bekah would have progressed if either she were older, or if he somehow never learned her age. But his feelings stalled, and then when he said goodbye to her, I think that was a decision led mostly by his head.
Got it... So, he used his head. But what about your heart, Arie?!
I'm sorry to see Bekah go — she injected a refreshing fun attitude (and a never-before-seen hairstyle!) into the show. Even though Bachelor Nation won't harp on that whole age thing, she does have her whole life ahead of her and it's possible we haven't seen the last of her in the Bachelor-verse. Who knows? Maybe it will all come circle and she'll eventually meet Peter and make a connection...