These Zodiac Signs Are Going To Feel So Energized The Week Of August 19
You're headed into a new chapter now because the sun will leave behind exuberant and expressive Leo and enter organized and cleansing Virgo as of Aug. 23. If you were hoping for a chance to settle down and get back to work, there's no better time than now. Virgo is all about making plans, sorting through one problem at a time, and getting to the bottom of everything. But don't go thinking you won't have fun every step of the way because August 19, 2019 will be the best week for these zodiac signs and it makes so much sense. After all, when the sun is in an earth sign, who benefits from it more than people with placements in Taurus, Virgo, or Capricorn?
Aside from the excitement of beginning a new astrological season, this week is marked by passionate romance, as well as a desire to learn. On Aug. 21, Mercury — planet of communication and cognitive function — will form a trine with expansive and philosophical Jupiter. This will instill you with a yearning to open your mind and grow your mental skills. Conversations will be more stimulating and you'll feel eager to talk about all that you know and hear about what others have to teach you. When Venus — planet of love and finances — forms a trine with passionate and driven Mars, you'll feel a spike in sexual and romantic energy. This is also a gorgeous time to pour your heart into something creative and tend to your romantic life. No matter what, you'll feel a pull toward something enticing and satisfying, so go where the wind takes you.
The first week of Virgo season is looking up. Here's how earth signs will benefit from it:
Taurus: You're Feeling More Romantic Than You Have In A While
Now that the sun has entered your fifth house of fun and creativity, you're being brought back to life. This time is about expressing yourself to the fullest, enjoying the fruits of your splendor, and living in the moment. You're attracting romance at every turn and you're seeing the world through a more artistic perspective.
When Mercury forms a trine with Jupiter, you'll be able to work through any issues at home and with your family. You're understanding what you desire from your safe space and what you need in order to feel emotionally secure.
Virgo: You're Feeling Powerful And On Top Of Your Game
Happy solar return, Virgo! This is possibly the most energized and courageous times of year for you, so there's no better time to truly embrace the person you are and put yourself out there. Let no one's expectations of you hinder your decisions. Right now, it's time to put yourself first and let the whole world know what you're about.
Your imagination is exceptionally vivid this week, especially when Mercury and Jupiter form a trine. Your dreams may be extremely memorable and your intuition overly active. Listen to and take note of what your gut is telling you.
Capricorn: You're Experiencing A Renewed Faith In Your Life
You're seeing the entire view rather than focusing on just one corner of it now that the sun has entered your ninth house of wisdom and expansion. Everything is coming together in a way that makes you feel as though so much more is possible. You should spend this time partaking in activities that deviate from your norm and forging memorable experiences.
You may be feeling very investigative and tuned in to deeper ways of thinking this week. When Mercury and Jupiter form a trine, you'll focus on matters of the heart and deepening your emotional commitments.