Amy Schumer Just Announced She's Pregnant In The Most Epic Way Possible
Amy Schumer is pregnant, guys! And she's announced it in a super clever way. With the help of journalist Jessica Yellin, Schumer used Instagram and politics as a way to announce to her fans and followers that she's expecting her first child with husband Chris Fischer. While it's an unusual way to announce such exciting news, Amy Schumer's pregnancy announcement is exactly what you'd expect from her: funny, political, and epic.
Elite Daily reached out to Schumer's rep for further details on her pregnancy, but did not hear back at the time of publication.
In an Instagram Story, Yellin posted a screenshot of her recommendations for the upcoming election on Nov. 6. And at the very tail end of her list, there's a note from Schumer that reads, "I'm pregnant-Amy Schumer."
Just before Yellin posted her Instagram Story, Schumer made an Instagram post herself telling fans that she was about to share some exciting news.
"About to announce some exciting news on @jessicayellin insta page," Schumer wrote in the post's caption. "Please follow her for up to the minute #newsnotnoise she breaks down what’s really going on. She agreed to post a lil noise today for me! Follow her and VOTE!!"
And here's what Yellin's Insta Story looked like with the exciting news at the end of the list:
It's interesting that Schumer would choose to announce her joyous news this way. Not only is she sharing really exciting and personal information with the masses, but she's using her moment to encourage people to vote. And that's such a selfless thing to do in this situation. Doesn't it just make you love Amy Schumer even more?
As previously mentioned, this is Schumer's first child with husband Chris Fischer. The two got married in a surprise ceremony in February 2018. So, they've been married for just eight months and now they're expecting a little bundle of joy sometime soon! It seems like 2018 has been really good to them both and that's such a wonderful thing to see.
By all accounts, Schumer and Fischer are madly in love with each other. Jennifer Lawrence, who attended the couple's wedding in February, revealed that she was stunned by the ceremony and by the show of love between them.
“It was very sudden, but it was, I was sobbing the whole ― his vows were stunning,” Lawrence said in an interview with Entertainment Tonight. “It’s when two people really love each other and they really mean it, it shows, and it was a beautiful ceremony and an amazing time. I couldn’t be happier for them.”
So, just by her comments alone, it's easy to discern that Schumer and Fischer share something really special. And there's no doubt that their baby will be welcomed into the world with a lot of love.
Back in April 2018, Schumer shared on The TODAY Show that she knew Fischer was "the one" almost immediately. Here's what she had to say:
Needless to say, this is a very happy time for Schumer and for her husband. Congratulations to both of them!