8 Things You Should Really Tell Your Mom On Mother's Day
Are you ready to be on your A-game this Mother's Day? Don't worry — that doesn't mean running out to the store to buy a super expensive gift. Think about all of the amazing things you forget to tell your mom, or mom figure in your life, on the regular, and get ready to pour your heart out. There are some things you should say to your mom on Mother's Day that will mean the world to her, more than a material gift ever could.
Although it's a thoughtful gesture, the gifts, chocolate, and bouquets you purchase for Mom won't last forever. Hearing you say something so sweet and genuine will be engraved in her mind and heart for eternity. Your mom has watched you grow up, delivered the most crucial life advice (even when you didn't want to hear it), and is proud of you every single day. You owe it to her to express how much of a beautiful soul you think she is.
No matter how many gifts you get her, nothing will equate to a few sweet words from her baby girl. These could be things you forget to say on the regular, because life and responsibilities get in the way. Your mom will unwrap something unforgettable that can't be bought in the store if you say any of these eight things to her this Mother's Day.
01Tell Her How Much You Appreciate Everything She Does
Your mom is living proof that not all superheroes need capes. She has worked hard to deserve the title of "mom," and you have reaped the rewards. A mother's efforts are sometimes taken for granted, because that's what many people assume mothers are supposed to do. On this day, tell her how much you appreciate being blessed with such a beacon of light in your life.
02Remind Her You'll Never Stop Needing Her
Growing up is part of life, but part of you is always going to need your mom, whether it's for moral support before an interview or a shoulder to cry on after a breakup. In some shape or form, no matter how old you get, you need mama bear and her vibes around.
03Thank Her For Always Giving You The Best Advice
The best part about Mom's advice is that it doesn't come with any judgments, it's free, and it's always so on point. Letting your mom know you appreciate the guidance she provides in your daily life will remind her that she's always needed in your life. To be honest, that advice is golden and deserves a five-star rating.
04Commend Her For Being Your Mom AND Your BFF
Some people are too proud to say their mother is their best friend, but not you. She wears both of those hats honorably, and you couldn't imagine anyone else taking on the title of your best friend. She knows you better than anyone, so being your BFF comes so naturally.
05Tell Her She's The Strongest Woman You Know
Moms never cease to amaze us with everything they do on the regular. Your mom balances such a busy schedule, and still has love to spare. If you end up with even a fraction of her strength one day, you'll be grateful AF for it.
06Express How Much Of A Role Model She Is
You've looked up to your mom since you were actually tiny enough to stand by her side and stare up at her. You need to let your day one know she has set an incredible example of the type of person you want to be. She's the real MVP and doesn't take crap from anyone. This woman is your role model, and you wouldn't have it any other way.
07Thank Her For Reminding You Of Your Worth
You can likely count on your mom to give you a solid confidence booster anytime. It's like she has epic compliment speeches in storage or something. You need to thank your mom for always being that voice of reason when you've convinced yourself you can't do or don't deserve something.
08Tell Mama Bear You Love Her
Saying "I love you" sounds so simple, right? Well, it can never be said too much, especially to your mom. Between the responsibilities of your life and hers, you might not physically tell your mom you love her as much as you should. Be sure these three little words make it into your Mother's Day toast.
It's nice to praise this beautiful human being you're lucky enough to call your mom. This year, go even further than gifts and give her some heartwarming words, too.