7 Best Friend Dates That Are, Well, Truly The Best Of All Time
Finding a best friend is basically like finding your soulmate. The title doesn't go to just anyone; they have to be the forever type. You've gone through the years making memories and having fun. Sometimes, you don't even remember every little detail of the funny moments you shared together, but they still make you laugh to this day. You could either go on epic adventures around the globe or hang at home on a Friday night, and it's the timeless things to do with your best friend you'll never tire of.
You know exactly what I'm talking about; these are the BFF activities you've been doing since the beginning and will continue enjoy doing together forever. There's no limit to the number of times you guys can do these seven things together.
If you ever have a free Friday or Saturday night with nothing planned on the calendar, your best friend will likely say yes in a heartbeat to doing any of these things. So, what are you waiting for? It may have been difficult AF to find your person who truly gets you, so celebrate finding the PB to your J by having some much-needed BFF time as soon as possible.
01Talking Until The Early Hours Of The Morning
You could spend hours catching up and talking to your best friend. As a matter of fact, you have done it more times than you can even count. You just like to gab so much that you truly lose track of time. Just bring over a bottle of your favorite wine (if you're both 21 or over, of course), and have a chill night in.
02Movie Nights With Your Fave Rom-Coms
Nothing beats a cozy movie night with your BFF. You don't need to plan an extravagant night on the town; all you need is your BFF, some trusty romantic-comedies you both adore, and popcorn. You're set to have the best time.
03Pamper Sessions With Manicures And Tea To Spill
You know how important quality "me time" is. That's why you and your BFF will never get old of some good old fashioned pampering. On any given day of the week, you could drop by your favorite salon for a manicure. While you're getting your nails done, that's when you dish on the latest hot gossip.
04Going On A Road Trip With A Great Playlist
Your favorite person to go on epic adventures with is your BFF. You are so in sync that you might always want to do what the other wants to do. That's why simple road trips with your best friend are always a good idea. Just hitting the road while singing along to your favorite songs is the best idea ever.
05Dance Around At Your Favorite Bar Or At Home
You and your BFF take inspiration from Meredith Grey and Cristina Yang by dancing it out whenever it's necessary. You could be having a stressful week and just need to go out dancing. Or, it might be as simple as your fave song comes on while you're hanging at home. Whenever you feel the groove, it's time to dance around with your friend like no one is watching.
06Go To Your Favorite Ice Cream Spot, Just Because
You never need a reason for hitting up your favorite ice cream spot — or checking out a new one — with your bestie. I do this with some of my best friends every Sunday. We try out new ice cream places around LA, and call it our "Ice Cream Sunday." It helps us reflect and catch up before a brand new week of work.
07Having A BFF-Only Dinner Date
Over the years, you've had many amazing meals together. You've done things like Friendsgiving dinners, and late-night diner visits. Whether you cook a meal at home or go out to your fave restaurant in town, you and your best friend will have a great time.
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