7 Sweet Things To Do For Your Parents On Xmas If You Can't Be With Them
For many of us, Christmas memories are engraved with our parents in them. It sucks to know that as you get older, spending Christmas with them isn't always guaranteed because of those unforeseeable factors in our lives. And if you happen to be experiencing one of those obstacles this year, there are plenty of sweet things to do for your parents on Christmas, so that they know that if you could be there, you would be in a heartbeat.
In all honesty, our parents are so much more mature than us when it comes to things not panning out the way we hoped they would. We'd most likely be pouting through every holiday second we spend doing other responsibilities instead of being with some of our favorite people. We learn a lot from our parents, including the importance of appreciating family and friends during the holidays.
It needs to be written somewhere that no one should have to go without seeing their parents during the holidays. Only in a perfect world, right? Well, until then, you can prove to your parents that they raised you to find the good in everything. And even if they aren't right by your side, you're determined to show them that circumstances haven't completely destroyed your holiday spirit.
01Have A Skype Date With Them
OK, even if your parents aren't the most tech-savvy, I'm sure you can talk them through setting up a video chat with you. It isn't the real thing, but they'll enjoy seeing your face, because duh, you're their baby. It might take a couple of tries, but you'll love seeing their festive faces as well.
02Send Them A Special Ornament With Your Face On It
Decorating the tree for the holidays at your parents house may have always been a tradition. And I'm pretty sure they enjoyed decorating with you. Sending them an ornament with your face on it will give them something extra precious to place on the tree, even if you aren't doing it with them.
03Make A Compilation Of All Of Your Christmas Home Videos
Get ready for the waterworks, because parents can hardly handle a stroll down memory lane when they could pick you up in one swoop. Putting all of those memories together won't completely change that you aren't by their side, but they'll love seeing all of those amazing Christmases back to back. Yeah, you'll likely cry quite a bit, too.
04Buy Them Tickets To Come Visit You Soon
If you can't get to your parents, bring them to you. Why wouldn't they want to take a couple days off to see how their kid is making out as an adult? It's weird that we've actually reached that age where we can invite our parents to our own places. Although, it'll never be like home sweet home.
05Make Them A Homemade Christmas Card
Remember when you would make those Christmas cards for your parents back in grade school? The ones that had more green and red paint on them than actual words? Your parents would post them on the fridge and be so proud. They loved your cards then, and they'll love the beautiful one you make them as an adult.
06Send Them Something Sweet With A Picture Of Your First Christmas On It
Honestly, everything with you as a kid will probably destroy your parents in the most sentimental way possible. They literally brought you into this world, raised you, and remember every bit of your golden years growing up. It's inevitable that they'll get choked up over the first time they showed you what Christmas was all about.
07Pay One Of Their Bills
Your parents probably don't ask for anything, even if they need it. Paying one of their bills will be your way of showing that you can't be there all of the time, but you'll always help them out. It's one less thing they have to worry about, and you'll feel good knowing your peeps are OK.
Christmas and our parents go hand in hand because they're the ones who showed us what the holiday season meant. Just because you aren't within arm's reach, that doesn't mean you can't do something touching for them.