If you have any kind of trouble with your skin, the process of a good skincare routine and finding the right (priced) skincare products is a real feat. Just wading through all the peels, exfoliants, masks, moisturizers, and acids on the market is enough to make a girl throw in the skincare towel all together. But luckily, there are little ways to take care of your skin that don't make your routine more annoying, and don't force you to take on 10 extra steps each morning or a gazillion products.
Yes, some things are best left simple, since that's usually how most of us can keep up with a new routine anyway. And listen, if you're struggling with skincare, trust that you aren't alone. Did you know that 60 million Americans deal with acne? And a whopping 80 percent of that number includes women (myself among that percentage)? That's a lot of us who think about the care and keeping of the largest organ on our body.
So, if you are a little overwhelmed at the plethora of multi-step skincare tips that are out there on the internet, just stay calm. Elite Daily talked to skincare experts who reveal easy and practical habits that will ensure clear skin and a healthier glow.
01Stick To Something Easy, But Stick To It
This may seem obvious, but just being consistent about washing your face in the morning and night is the most basic tenant of good skincare. Who hasn't gone to bed with foundation still on after a long night, or perhaps forgotten to give our face a good scrub after a long run? Just keeping skin clean is the number one habit — above all else — you should stick to, especially if you wear any kind of makeup.
"A lot of folks think removing their makeup is cleaning their skin before bed, and that is absolutely untrue," says Natasha Gayle, owner of Mirror Mirror Skin Lab in NYC. "This is a two-step process here, and there are ways to get through it fast but you can't skip steps. You have to remove and cleanse."
That means swiping a makeup remover wipe over your mug just isn't enough, people. I know, it saddened me to learn this news as well.
02 Choose The Right Moisturizer
"All moisturizers are not created equal," says Gayle. "All moisturizers are not for every skin type or yield the same results."
Taking just a little effort to find out your skin type and the basic products you need to cleanse, tone, and moisturize every single day can really prevent you from do harm to you skin and creating other problems by over moisturizing, under moisturizing, or over cleaning.
03Change Your Products With The Season
RealSelf contributor and dermatological surgeon, Dr. Sejal Shah gives suggests paying attention to the texture of your products as the seasons change.
"As the weather warms up, you want to lighten your skincare products, so, for example, switch your creamy cleanser for normal cleanser or a foaming or gel cleanser if you have oily skin," Shah tells Elite Daily. "Moisturizing is still important, but trade the heavier moisturizer for light weight creams or lotions."
04 Eat Skin Healthy Foods
Rumor has it that things like dairy and sugar aren't, you know, the best things for your skin. And as Dr. Christopher Calapai D.O. says, yes, skin clarity really does come from within. Who woulda thunk it?
"Everyone knows that eating well makes you feel better," says Dr. Calapai. "But don’t underestimate the power of certain foods when it comes to [your skin.]"
Dr. Calapai recommends nutrient-, collagen-, and antioxidant-rich foods, like tart cherry juice, sweet potatoes, and edamame.
05Add A Vitamin Or Supplement
Multi-Collagen Protein (All-In-One), $43.95, Dr.Axe.com
Collagen is the most abundant protein in our bodies, Dr. Josh Axe D.N.M., C.N.S., D.C. tells Elite Daily.
Our body’s collagen production naturally begins to slow down as we age, he shares, so taking collagen regularly helps to maintain skin health.
"You can take Multi Collagen Protein in the morning or at night before bed," Dr. Axe tells Elite Daily. "It mixes great with coffee or a bedtime tea, so you can make it work for your schedule."
Dr. Jeanine Downie, a dermatologist with Zwivel.com, recommends HelioCare, which she says is an excellent vitamin derived from a fern plant that can help reduce sun sensitivity and prevention of skin damage.
06Pat Yourself Dry
"Gently pat skin dry (instead of rubbing) when leaving the shower," says Dove Dermatologist, Dr. Mona Gohara. "Rubbing the skin jostles barrier cells and makes locking in moisture more difficult. A gentle pat leaves them intact, making hydration a much easier task."
Pat, pat, pat away!
07Sun Protection Never Goes Out Of Style
All across the board, making sure you have SPF on your skin is a consistent recommendation among experts. And realizing which one is for you, just like moisturizer, is super important.
"Many patients fail to realize that there is a difference between sunscreen and sunblock," says Dr. Jeanine Downie, a dermatologist with Zwivel.com. "Screens contain chemicals which help protect the skin from damaging UV rays, while blocks are physical barriers that prevent UV radiation from penetrating the skin."
The dermatologist adds that she finds that sunblocks are more easily tolerated for patients with compromised skin states like acne, or eczema.
"In addition, instructions on the back of SPF products should be reviewed before use," says Dr. Downie. Like how often to reapply.
And don't forget those expiration dates.
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