These Countdown To Vacation Memes Will Speak To Your Soul When You Want Time To Fly

by Rachel Chapman
Originally Published: 

You have the destination picked out, and your flights and hotels are booked. The date is circled in your calendar in neon highlighter, and now, all that's left to do is wait for your vacay to begin. That's easier said than done. As patient as you want to be, you find yourself staring at the calendar longingly whenever you're bored and counting down the days in your head. You need something to make the time fly by, and what better way to do that than with countdown to vacation memes?

Nowadays, memes are a great way for everyone to connect. Sometimes, you find yourself saying "same" when you see a certain picture on Twitter or Instagram. It just speaks to your soul. That's why you love sending memes back and forth to your friends. (If it makes you laugh, you know your friends will love it, too.)

Since time is moving unreasonably slow while you wait for your epic getaway, you might as well laugh it off. Instead of twiddling your thumbs and watching the clock tick away, send any of these seven countdown to vacation memes to whoever's in your travel party. It will at least distract you for a bit, and make you one step closer to getting on that plane, and finally being in vacation mode.

01When You're In "The Final Countdown" Mode

That final stretch before vacation is when you're in final countdown mode. You might as well put Europe's "The Final Countdown" on every Spotify playlist you have, because it's forever stuck in your head.

02When You Keep Repeating This Mantra To Yourself

"Keep calm" when you're waiting for a vacation is easier said than done. You can't really keep calm when something so exciting is on the horizon. You just have to keep repeating this mantra to yourself, and maybe it'll stick.

03When You Decide To Bring Things You've Never Worn

For someone who's incredibly excited about their vacation, you probably jump into packing mode super early. You end up bringing extra outfits you've never worn before that have been chilling in your closet, thinking that vacation is definitely the time to debut them.

04When The Overpacking Struggle Is So Real

When you start packing early, there's always that little voice inside your head that says you need everything — and you always end up bringing too much. It gets to the point where you can't even zip up your suitcase. (I mean, you want to be prepared for every scenario, right?)

05When It Seems So Long Since You've Vacationed

You haven't vacationed in so long, and you seriously miss it. This meme perfectly captures that feeling of reaching summer vacation after waiting a whole year for its return. You're almost reunited, yet again.

06When You're Getting Impatient

Amen to this meme. I don't know how to put it better, but come on time, hurry it up here! You're just patiently waiting to be relaxing on the sand with your sunnies on, but this vacation is taking its dang time. *Insert major eye roll.*

07When You Just Don't Want To Be Rude

You know it's rude to keep someone waiting. You might as well be polite AF, and just jump through time to vacation mode already. It's the nice thing to do, after all.

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