6 Things You Shouldn't Feel Bad About On New Year's Eve & Celebrate Instead

There are a lot of things to plan and give thought to when it comes to New Year's Eve. What you should wear, what you should be doing, where you are in your life; it's all really daunting. And the worst part about it is if you're not doing any of these things, you might be feeling down in the dumps. These New Year's Eve expectations can put a damper on your holiday, and you definitely don't want that. The New Year is meant for new changes, not to conform to what society or social media has told you you should be or what you should be doing. There are some things you shouldn't feel bad about on New Year's.

With everyone posting their amazing trips and parties 24/7, it's super easy to forget that, though. It's so normal to fall into the trap of seeing your life as half empty instead of half full. Finances or outside factors may prevent you from doing what TV shows and movies say you should be doing at midnight on the last day of the year. Instead of falling into that line of thinking, take another point of view and feel better about it!

So, don't feel bad this New Year's Eve if:

You're Not Going Going To A Fancy Party Or Out At All

Instead: Enjoy your time at home! You may not get to do it often, and if you do? Then you're doing what you love, and that is beautiful.

Parties are, yes, fun as hell, and going out is a blast. But for whatever reason, you're not doing that on New Year's this year, and that's fine. Sleep -- because sleep is grand -- or watch a movie and spend time with the important people in your life. Take this time to really relax and reflect on all of the happy, fun things that did happen this year. It's so worth it.

You're Not Where You Want To Be In Your Life

Instead: Focus on what you have done, because you have definitely had some good moments this year.

Everyone has a sh*t year, or period of time (months, weeks, whatever). No one is happy or content in their lot in life 100 percent of the time. Realizing you're not the only one feeling this way is key. And what others do portray online may not be a true reflection of themselves, so don't compare yourself to anyone, because it may be a false equivalency. Take some moments to think over what you did accomplish this year (because they rocked), and make a game plan for how to get yourself to where you want to be in the coming year.

You're Drinking With Family, Not With Friends

Instead: Own the fact that you're having a blast with your fam!

Yes, as stated before, getting drunk and partying with your friends is usually preferable and definitely fun if you're 21 and up. But spending time with your family is honestly the best. And when drinks are involved? The fun and laughs never seem to end. Throw in a great game like Taboo or Cards Against Humanity (if you're bold enough), and you are sure to have a great time.

You're Not Traveling

Instead: Revel in the fact that you're saving a sh*t-ton of money.

This time of year sees a lot of people going abroad or traveling and having a great time. Seeing new places is amazing and that cultural experience is like nothing else, however, if you're not doing that this year, don't sweat it. It may not be your time to do so, for personal or financial reasons, and that's totally OK. If you do want to make this a reality, though, then plan and save, because doing so will definitely ensure a great time in 2018.

You're Not Doing Anything Instagram-Worthy

Instead: Realize that likes or comments don't make or break you.

Like I said before, social media may be the basis of you feeling sh*tty about your New Year's Eve plans (or lack thereof). But instead of putting a ton of worth in your feed (or someone else's), enjoy the real world.

I like getting the 'Gram gratification as much as the next person, but if I'm staying put at home, I'm not going to stress about a NYE pic. You always can (your cat or dog is a great way to get some shameless likes), but just know that it's never a requirement in life.

You Don't Have A "New Year's Eve Kiss"

Instead: Thank God, because then that means you're not forcing yourself to kiss someone just to say you did.

The elusive "New Year's Eve Kiss." It's talked about all the time, and it's almost like I have to do it? If you're not going out and are single, this could really be something that's stressing you out. But here's a bit of a secret: a kiss is not going to be something that will change your life or define who you are.

If you are going out, don't feel weird or forced into locking lips. If it happens, that's dope. But if it doesn't, enjoy yourself, because at the end of the day, that's the most important person.