6 Experiences To Share With Your Bestie In 2019, So You Can Bond Like Never Before

by Ciara Johnson

Here's to another epic year with your bestie by your side. There's no better feeling than knowing you have someone special to lean on through life's best and worst moments. She'll be there for the late nights out where you laugh until your stomach hurts, and she'll be there for the days where you feel like leaving your comfy bed is difficult AF. Life is a lot easier when you have each other, so cheers to that! Here are some of the best experiences to have with your best friend in 2019, so you can bond like never before.

You've probably jotted down your resolutions and created a vision board to make your dreams reality in the new year, but have you considered creating a bucket list with your best friend? Let's be honest: Solo time is great and necessary, but some experiences are just better when shared. It feels good to know that you have a best friend who is always down for the adventure, and that's something to appreciate.

Your best friendship is a two-way street, and it takes hard work and effort to maintain. So, it's important to give it your all and cherish every single moment together. Now, do you want to create some new memories with your bestie? Start with this list!

01See Your Favorite Band Live

Robert Kohluber/Stocksy

Music can bond two people like no other, and that's why you should plan on seeing your favorite band live in 2019. Belting out your favorite songs at the top of your lungs with your best friend by your side will certainly be an experience you'll never forget.

02Have An Old-Fashioned Photo Shoot

Guille Faingold/Stocksy

Many of us do it for the 'Gram every now and then, but how often do you print tangible photos to hang on your wall or keep in your wallet? Consider taking photos with a disposable or Polaroid camera so that they can have a lifetime beyond any social media app. Get creative, play dress-up, and find a few stunning backdrops.

03Give Back To Your Community

Milles Studio/Stocksy

Giving back is one of the best things you can do for your community. It's even better when you do it with someone you love. You'll have the opportunity to volunteer your time, and maybe even learn more about each other's passions in the process.

04Get Active

Marko Milovanovic/Stocksy

Have you thought about checking out a new fitness class with your bestie this year? You can sign up for a hot yoga or pure barre class, take salsa dancing lessons, or sign up for a 5k. The possibilities are endless! You'll motivate each other, and share some really special bonding moments as you try something new.

05Do A Social Media Detox


Consider ditching your phones and doing a social media detox with your day one. Plan a day or weekend that won't be interrupted by any cell phone notifications. This is a time for you to have some serious one-on-one bonding time. You'll likely feel so pleased once it's all said and done.

06Have A Heart-To-Heart

Good Vibrations Images/Stocksy

Life gets busy, which can make it difficult to update your bestie on what's going on in your work and social life. Girl time is essential, so why not book a dinner reservation or plan a weekend road trip where you can have a real heart-to-heart?

This will give you the chance to dive deeper and truly connect with your friend. You'll be able to give each other a life update, and it'll make you feel closer than ever.