3 Zodiac Sign Pairings Most Likely To Keep Hooking Up After A Breakup
We all know that on-again, off-again couple who can't quite seem to stop falling back into bed with one another. (Or maybe, you are half of that tumultuous duo.) For some people, the cycle of breaking up, hooking up, and making up is too tough to quit for long. It's not the most simple dynamic on the planet, but it's always exciting, sexy, and terribly tempting. Certain zodiac sign pairings will hook up after breakups more often than others, possibly because that celestial (and sexual) chemistry is hard to resist.
Some of these pairs are drawn to each other again and again because they haven't yet fully closed the door on the possibility of the relationship working out for good. Others revel in the easy comfort of their ongoing connection. They might not be compatible for a fully-fledged relationship, but that undeniable physical magnetism remains strong. Whatever the case may be, if you or someone you know can't seem to quit their ex completely, there’s a good chance astrological compatibility could be putting a thumb on the scale. These are the zodiac pairings that can’t resist a little post-breakup nookie with their ex. You've officially been warned.
Gemini & Sagittarius
When this air sign and fire sign come together, the passion burns bright. Their strong mutual sense of curiosity makes them highly a highly compatible match. Both are looking for a partner who engages them, challenges them, and keeps them on their toes — and they find all of that in one another. But both of these signs are also mercurial; they tend to come and go at a moment's notice, which can make their relationship potentially unstable. However, even when they move on, they remain fascinated with one another and often consider each other "the one who got away." As a result, they tend to drift back together over and over, only to discover the chemistry is still there, even if the relationship isn’t meant to be.
Cancer & Scorpio
These two water signs love deeply, powerfully, and have a really hard time letting go. While this can create powerful bonds between the right Cancer and Scorpio partners, it can also drive the two apart. When they sense disloyalty, both signs can become defense and lash out. This creates a cycle that can lead to toxicity and require the couple to go their separate ways. But when a connection runs as deeply as the one these two can form, it can be hard to let go completely. There’s passion here that easily reignites even when both parties know they should move on.
Libra & Pisces
Libra and Pisces are the two most romantic signs in the zodiac. Both are true believers in love and want an old-school style romance in their lives. So, when these two signs split, neither of them wants to give up on the hope of reconciliation. This means they often leave the status of the relationship as somewhat undefined, with the potential reunion still up in the air — even if both know in their heart of hearts it's not meant to be. That grey area leaves the door wide open for post-breakup hookups, only to be reminded once again that they’re more in love with the idea of love than with one another.
Saying a true goodbye to an ex can be hard for any sign in the zodiac, but for these couples it can be a little bit harder. So, don't be too hard on your friend, or yourself, if this all sounds a little too familiar.
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