3 Signs You Need Space From Your Partner, So Don’t Be Afraid To Let Them Know
by Tayi Sanusi

One of the most satisfying parts of having a bae is that there's always someone around to spend time with. Whether you're in need of a Netflix and ~chill~ buddy or a date to bring to a family event, being in a relationship ensures that you have someone by your side when you need them. That said, no matter how in love you are, making time for yourself is really important too. Space is something you should never be ashamed to ask for, so if you're recognizing the signs you need space from your partner, it might be time to have a conversation.

Recognizing these signs doesn't necessarily mean that something's wrong with your relationship. It could just be that you've been neglecting your needs as an individual, which can start to feel like a major strain on yourself, mentally and emotionally. I spoke with best-selling author and NYC dating expert Susan Winter to find out what you should be looking out for.

"It's absolutely normal to love someone and also need your space," Winter tells Elite Daily. "Partnership requires a lot of emotional and mental energy. Being in a relationship also means we're aware and attentive to our mate's feelings and needs." Sometimes in our rush to satisfy others, we forget to take care of ourselves. If you suspect this might be happening to you, here are three signs you could use some you-time.

01Everything your partner does annoys you.


According to Winter, if you find yourself constantly annoyed by everything your partner does, then there's a solid chance that it's time to take a step back. "When we push past our own self-care boundaries, everything our partner does will get on our nerves," says Winter. It's not that you don't love them, but just like being over-exposed to your BFF or even your family can stress you out, there comes a time when you need to do your own thing for a sec.

02You lash out at them.


"[If] you're really bitchy [to your partner] no matter how hard you try to be nice," it could be that you need some time to recalibrate and recharge your emotional battery, explains Winter.

Letting your partner know that you need some space can be tough, so instead, many of us try to keep quiet about our urges to fly solo. But keeping your feelings bottled up makes it easier to take out your frustrations on your SO, which can result in more hurt and confusion in the end.

03Being around them makes you feel short-tempered and irritable.


"Too much togetherness is suffocating," says Winter. "We're going to be impatient and reactive if we haven't had space to unwind and collect our thoughts. The correct balance of together and alone time is essential for any relationship to thrive."

If you find yourself feeling tense around your SO for no reason, then it could be a sign that it's time to have a conversation with your bae about your need for space. However, Winter also notes that if you aren't communicating with your partner and are instead pulling away, there might be a bigger issue at place.

"You'll know you've got a problem if you get more joy being away from your partner than with them, you find yourself making less and less time to see your mate each week, or you have to force yourself to put on a 'happy face' in order to appear normal," warns Winter.

It's important to be direct with your partner about how you're feeling. Communication is essential to a healthy relationship, so there's nothing wrong with making more time for yourself as long as you let your partner know, so they aren't in the dark about your needs. A good partner will be supportive and understanding, so don't be afraid to be honest.

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