These Instagram captions for photos with your partner in masks are bound to get some likes.

These 20 Instagram Captions Are Ideal For Couple's Pics In Masks

by Rebecca Strong
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Dating in the time of the coronavirus has meant taking certain safety precautions in order to protect yourself and the one you love — like wearing a mask when you hang outside the house. Just because you're wearing face coverings doesn't mean you can't snap some super cute couple pics for the 'Gram, though. And as challenging as it might be coming up with Instagram captions for photos with your partner in masks, crafting the perfect message will definitely pay off when the likes come rolling in.

The first thing you'll need to consider is tone. Are you seeking to shamelessly flaunt those lovey-dovey vibes? Are you going for LOL-level humor? Or are you trying to spread some hope and inspiration during these strange times? Maybe you're trying to accomplish all three. Regardless, figuring this out ahead of time will make it easier to choose a caption that syncs up well with your goal.

Considering that the Centers for Disease and Control and Prevention (CDC) maintains that wearing a mask is one of the best things you can do to slow the spread of the virus, there's no reason why you shouldn't show off your safety measure with pride. I mean, you're doing your part to make this world a safer place while also demonstrating that you care deeply about each other's well-being. What could be more romantic than that? If you're at a loss for words to write under your post, don't fear — here are some caption ideas to get you started. Because the couple who wears masks together deserves to humblebrag together.

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  1. "Better safe than sorry." — xo, your quaran-queen and king
  2. Safety first, am I right or am I right?
  3. Love means showing someone they're safe.
  4. Pros: don't even need to bother with lipstick on date night anymore.
  5. Good thing the eyes are the window to the soul.
  6. Safe is sexy. #Facts
  7. Thanks for always *covering* for me.
  8. This one's got me smiling even when no one can see it.
  9. Pandemic dating, but make it fashion.
  10. PSA: You can totally still get your flirt on while masked up.
  11. “Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much.” — Helen Keller
  12. "Some people look for a beautiful place. Others make a place beautiful." — Hazrat Inayat Khan
  13. Mask game on point.
  14. Here's to face masks and fall afternoons with my favorite.
  15. I'm smiling, I swear.
  16. Couple of introverts thriving over here.
  17. Love is contagious, so spread it wherever you go.
  18. Thanks for masking.
  19. Did you know a true smile is transmitted through the eyes?
  20. "Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass. It's about learning how to dance in the rain." — Vivian Greene