
Women Discuss Their Stories Of The First Time They Ever Orgasmed

by Rachel Shatto
Rene de Haan/Stocksy

Do you remember when you orgasmed for the first time? Maybe you didn't know what was happening at the time, but you knew it felt amazing. Or maybe you knew exactly what you were doing. It could have happened while you exploring you body on your own, or with a partner. Or maybe you just sat on something and it felt funny. But, like, funny good. And afterwards nothing was ever the same again.

Your first big O is such a personal experience, and definitely nothing you should be ashamed of, but still, we don't often share the stories with many other people. And that's a bummer for someone as curious as I am about other women's experiences. Not just because thinking about orgasms is hot — which it is — but because we want to know we're not alone. It's natural to wonder how your first time compares to what was it like for other women they first came.

Thats why I love Reddit so much. If I'm wondering something I can pretty much count on other people to be asking the same thing. A recent Redditor asked "When was your first orgasm and how did it go down?" and the responses were so interesting because it was there was no "normal" answer. Not to brag, but we women are freakin' complex and amazing beings. Anyway, here's what they they had to say.

Most Women Went Solo-Oh-Oh-OMG!

I was 11 and it was the result of weeks of effort of figuring out how to do it, lol.

- alexi_lupin

Was 36, at least the first time I recognized I had one. I'd been married and sexually active for years by that point, but while I enjoyed sex, it wasn't about the orgasm for me. When it finally happened, it was during a periodic try at masturbation.

- localgyro

12, masturbation.

- tc88

I was super young, like 1st grade or younger maybe. I don't remember my first but I have flashes of remembering masturbating at a super young age.

- ohhmok

My first orgasm was with my fingers and it was really really good at around 17. I would rate it pretty high on the scale. Unfortunately however, I was only able to stimulate myself that way. I never had an orgasm through penetration and sometimes I get sad about it because I do have a boyfriend and he has never once gotten me to orgasm through penetration. My first orgasm was with my fingers and it was really really good at around 17. I would rate it pretty high on the scale. Unfortunately however, I was only able to stimulate myself that way. I never had an orgasm through penetration and sometimes I get sad about it because I do have a boyfriend and he has never once gotten me to orgasm through penetration.

- biochemnerd12

Probably around age 12, getting myself off.

- Pantone877

14 ish, did it on my own.

- Gamerlady71

Who Knew A Pillow Was A Sex Toy? These Lucky Ladies

I was really young, idk, preteen. At the hospital when I was staying for a couple weeks, a girl our age told us it felt good to rub a pillow 'down there' and I did it and... it happened.

- mareenah

I was preteen and it happened from humping a pillow. I didn't know orgasms existed, I was just trying to mimic what the couple on the tv was doing and figure out why the woman was screaming. I didn't have my first orgasm with a partner until 4 years after becoming sexually active.

- HarleySpencer

I was in middle school, so I guess 12 or 13. I was fantasizing and humping my bed cover, and boom, I had an orgasm. It was awesome and soon became my new favorite thing.

- worried19

Some Got A Helping Hand

Most people probably figured it out by themselves. I had my first orgasm at 16 from oral sex by my first boyfriend. I didn't even know where my clit was before, now I don't understand how could I be so dumb. I used to think that the clit wass somewhere inside the vagina (confused it with the g spot?) and that the little nub at the front was for peeing (because it kinda looks like a tiny dick?) Fucking embarassing.

- -Zosia-

I was 15. My then boyfriend and I were in his bedroom and we discovered "how." I had masturbated only a few times prior and never had an orgasm. I feel like I had my "sexual awakening" a bit late...

- sleepyemoji

I was eighteen, it was Valentine's day, and I thought it meant something important, lol. Ended up marrying the guy at nineteen. Turned out he was actually asexual so I divorced him six years later.

- rawrbunny

I was 18 or so but it was rare and not amazing. My boyfriend and I weren’t terribly sexually compatible, I prefer being very submissive sexually and he wasn’t dominant enough to make it enjoyable for me. I didn’t orgasm during sex until I was 20 with my now husband. I went from a couple of orgasms over 3 years to having 5+ with my husband every time we have sex.

- FrozenFractalsofIce

No kidding he's your husband now. Anyone who gives you five orgasms every time, you lock that sh*t down!

And Some Got Creative

Was 9 with an underwater pool jet.

- thequeen747

I never peed at school until I was like 16. When I was 14 or so one day I came home having to pee really bad like always and I sat down a certain way and got this weird throbbing sensation. It happened a few more times and I started trying to achieve that on purpose. I didn't figure out it was an orgasm until almost a year later.

- thelaughingpear

8/9ish, something like that. My dad had this back massager that I discovered felt good in my pants. I eventually faked a neck injury so I could keep it. A few years ago I told my dad about that and he nodded sagely and said, "I knew, darling. I always knew." Thanks for not making it weird, pop.

- LDN_Escort

No matter how it happened, your first orgasm is unforgettable. Here’s to many (multiples?) more. And if you have a great first orgasm story, tell us in the comments.