11 Tweets About Being Single During The Holidays That Are So Relatable

by Laura Moses

If you find yourself standing alone under the mistletoe this year, take heart. All you need to do is scroll through Twitter to realize you are very much not alone in your singlehood this holiday season. People on Twitter seldom hold back their opinions about anything and everything, and these tweets about being single during the 2018 holidays are no exception!

Just because you're single this holiday season doesn't mean you're fa-la-la-la-lonely. In fact, being single can be a super empowering phase of life where you can have different experiences, be independent, and can do whatever you please! It might be helpful to remind yourself of this if you're single and wishing you had someone to do all sorts of holiday-ish things with, like ice skating, watching holiday movies, and sharing a smooch on New Year's Eve.

Just because you're single doesn't mean you can't absolutely enjoy every single festive thing about this time of year! In fact, last New Year's Eve, I was single and at a small party with my friends. Instead of being bummed about not having anyone to kiss at midnight, I realized I had plenty of people to kiss... And I kissed every one of my friends. It was great.

While I'm not suggesting you go around smooching everyone you know (unless, of course, the mood strikes and everyone is on board), there are plenty of ways to enjoy the holidays without a partner, and some benefits to being single at this time of year. While most Twitter users lamented about being single during the holidays, several were glad to be single because — you guessed it — they were saving money on gifts! So read on and enjoy the musings of single people on Twitter.

So while most people would like to have someone to cozy up with this time of year, others are just fine being on their own. If you're single and are wishing you had a honey to share the season with, just remember — you get to watch whatever you want on TV, you can go to any and every party you want, and you have one less gift you have to buy! Plus, being in a relationship doesn't guarantee happiness anyway!

But if you're feeling a little lonely, reach out to your friends and make plans to do all the festive things this season has to offer. Indulge in a little self-care — light a pine-scented candle, soak in a bath, and blast the holiday tunes as loud as you want. After all, 'tis the season to be jolly, and we're all in charge of our own happiness.