Woman Finds Hot Guy Who Ran Past Her With His Dog By Posting A Sign (Photos)
While lounging seaside in the New Zealand town of Picton, one woman named Sarah learned the true meaning of love at first sight.
She'd been sunbathing by the sea when she spotted a man jogging with his dog. He smiled at her as he ran by, and she fell for him, but sadly, she never got to ask his name.
In the hopes of reconnecting with her mystery man, Sarah crafted a handmade sign and left it near where the man had been jogging (apparently, she's never heard of Craigslist's “Missed Connections” forum).
Along with a hand-drawn picture of the tattooed man and his dog, the sign read,
Is this you? I was sitting on the grass on Friday watching the sea… You were playing with your dog... I've got long brown hair and was wearing a black T-shirt and denim shorts... You have stars tattooed on your torso and your dog is curly, bouncy and blonde...You ran past me and smiled...Would you like to go for a drink/coffee/walk??? I'm in Wellington just now, my ferry arrives back in Picton on Tuesday 3rd. I'm in town for 1 night only…But let's see how things go...On the off-chance you are single, remember who I am and would like to meet for a drink/coffee/walk. I'll be sitting on the grass, watching the sea from 1-1:30 pm onwards on Tuesday… Maybe you'll run past again!?!
Beside it, she left another sign, pleading for passersby to not remove her original poster:
Please don't remove this sign!!! In the spirit of happy endings, give this sign a chance to be seen by the right eyes! It's not really cluttering up the place and I'd like to think it will make most people stop, read and smile. It may even bring a dozen or so people back on Tuesday, intrigued…Who is this girl with the long brown hair, and the boy with the star tattoos and the curly, bouncy blonde dog, and will they meet for a drink/coffee/walk??? We are curious beings, after all! I will, on my return to Picton on Tuesday, remove it myself…Whatever the ending may be...Thank you!
Incredibly, the town rallied to support her. Local company Beachcomber Fun Cruises posted pictures of the signs on its Facebook page, and everybody made sure the sign remained where Sarah originally posted it.
Her efforts paid off: The mystery man, named Will, spotted the cruise company's Facebook post and confirmed he'd return to meet his admirer.
By then, the blossoming potential romance had become something of a major news story in the small town. A local radio station even contacted Will to interview him about Sarah's romantic sign.
On Tuesday, the pair finally met (to the relief of the 4,000 townspeople who'd been following the real-life love story eagerly via Facebook).
We don't know how their meeting went, but we'd like to think, in the spirit of fairytale romances, that Will and Sarah will live happily ever after.
Best of luck, you two!
Sarah's original "missed connection" sign.
She even included a little drawing of her mystery man.
Sarah made sure her sign would stay posted.
This is Will, Sarah's tattooed crush.
On Tuesday, Sarah awaited her mystery man's return.
Beachcomber Fun Cruises sent a photographer to document their meeting.
He came!
Happily ever after.
Citations: A Woman Left A Romantic Sign For A Hot Guy And He Replied (Buzzfeed)