
Teens Are Turning 'Ugly' Into 'Beautiful' With The #Don'tJudgeChallenge

by Eitan Levine

This has got to be one of the all-time worst Twitter trends.

Twitter users are posting “ugly” videos of themselves with #DontJudgeChallenge in an effort to fight body shaming.

The idea is to film yourself with acne dots, glasses, buck teeth or whatever else you deem “ugly,” and then film what you look like with makeup on in order to show how inner beauty is the only thing that really matters.

If you’re going, “OK, cool... Wait. That doesn’t make any sense at all," that’s probably because it doesn’t make any sense at all.

The idea of posting videos of yourself looking as good as possible in order to stop people from judging you unless you look as good as possible is so cyclical and mind-numbing it could be a ride at Six Flags.

This girl -- who I’ve deemed the most rational teenager on Twitter -- lays it out in this perfect 30-second anti-#DontJudgeChallenge rant.

#dontjudgechallenge Literally so stupid — Abigail (@abigaildxwns) July 6, 2015

Preach. Anyway, here are some people who destroyed body shaming by posting beautiful videos of themselves.

This guy fixed it. Body shaming isn't a thing anymore.

GIRLS #dontjudgechallenge — #DontJudgeChallenge (@DontJudgeChalle) July 6, 2015

This guy: 1; body shaming: 0

#dontjudgechallenge — #DontJudgeChallenge (@DontJudgeChalle) July 6, 2015

Body shaming, you've met your match.

#dontjudgechallenge tried — Pandula (@deio_vos) July 6, 2015

"I am dead now." - body shaming

Every new day is another chance to change your life #dontjudgechallenge #dontjudgeme — Amalina Mardhiah (@MardhiahAmalina) July 6, 2015

Et tu, body shaming?

white boys are winning #dontjudgechallenge — Dont Judge Challenge (@DontJudgeUs_) July 6, 2015

They’re beautiful in both videos, which means they killed body shaming twice.

These were the original creators of the #dontjudgechallenge — ya boy dom (@vDxmv) July 6, 2015

*beep beep beep beeeeeeeeeep*

"Body shaming time of death: 3:17 pm."

More for the ladies #DontJudgeChallenge — Dont Judge Challenge (@DontJudgeUs_) July 6, 2015

In lieu of flowers, body shaming and family ask you make a donation to Ed Hardy.

#dontjudgechallenge white boy edition — girlsloveboys (@GirIsloveboys) July 6, 2015

Body shaming is no more!

best one #dontjudgechallenge — Common White Girl (@girlposts) July 6, 2015

As body shaming walks through the valley of the shadow of death...

best #DontJudgeChallenge I've seen — whiteboysheaven (@whiteboysheaven) July 6, 2015

At least teens aren’t trying to summon demons on Twitter anymore...