
This Dog Is Specially Trained To Sniff Out Your Hidden Porn Collection

by Candice Jalili
Weber County Sheriff's Office

What cool tricks does your dog have up its sleeve? High five? Sit? Fetch? Stand? Play dead? That's all well and good... but can it sniff out a porn stash? Nope, didn't think so.

This Tuesday, Utah's Weber County Sheriff's Office introduced what they are calling the state's first ever "porn dog" in a Facebook post.

The dog, a 16-month-old black labrador named URL, has been trained by the same person who "played a key role in the arrest of Subway pitchman, Jared Fogle," (if you're like me and the name "Fogle" just makes you think of the movie "Superbad," Jared Fogle is the Subway guy who ended up being a total creepazoid).

So what exactly does a "porn dog" do? Well, it turns out URL is quite the pup. According to the sheriff's office, he can apparently sniff out thumb drives, cell phones, SIM cards, SD cares, external hard drives, tablets and iPads.

Think your boyfriend's been getting off to some weird stuff while you were at work? Set URL loose on his creepy ass and let justice be served.

But, seriously, the post insists that URL can do really great things for the safety of the community. It says that the dog can keep us safe by sniffing out all sorts of threats ranging from child pornography to terrorism intelligence to narcotics to financial crimes information on any electronic memory. Good for URL.

That being said, URL's main purpose is likely just to serve as a brave soldier in the state of Utah's war against pornography.

This year, Utah State Senator Todd Weiler actually came up with a bill that declared pornography a "public health crisis." He has gone so far as to draft up legislation that would have cell phone manufacturers putting porn blocking filters right into the phones. The filters would only be removed if phone owners could prove that they are over 18. So, yeah, this guy really doesn't like porn.

And now there's a dog trained to sniff it out.

Citations: Meet the Dog Trained to Sniff Out Your Porn Stash (Tech.Mic), WEBER COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE (Facebook)