If This Naked Woman's Sassy Body Art Doesn't Get You To Vote, Nothing Will
Laolu Senbanjo wants you to go out and vote.
Damn it.
You might remember Senbanjo as the body paint artist from Beyoncé's epic "Lemonade" video.
You remember. Trust me. During "Sorry" when all the women are on the bus with that stunning white paint on their bodies? Yeah, I thought so.
Senbanjo, who was born in Nigeria, calls his body painting "The Sacred Art of the Ori," and it is inspired by his Yoruba culture.
Now, he is using his art for more explicitly political purposes.
On Monday, he posted a video on Instagram. The camera panned over a woman's butt — seemingly model Precious Gilbert — wearing a thong and covered in Senbanjo's signature white swirls of paint.
But instead of just having artful designs, this look included words. Senbanjo wrote on the woman's ass,
Vote damn it!
Check it out:
Senbanjo made this message clear in the caption where he wrote,
Stop bitching and do something!! #votedamnit
He also made his political views even clearer, saying,
#Dumptrump make dem no go deport us o!
Our generation has historically low rates of voter turnout, which is bad and embarrassing, and we should really change. So listen to the words of the ass and register. Then go vote in November. K, thanks.