3 Ways To Begin To Understand The Appeal Of Donald Trump
I bet that title grabbed your attention in some way.
Either you're horrified at the thought that someone would put "Trump" and "appeal" in the same sentence, or you support or like him, but can't put your finger on exactly why.
Now, I get it.
Watching Trump is like watching a car crash.
You want to look away (and you know you should), but there's just something oh-so-fascinating about watching disaster strike.
Let it be known that I, fundamentally and for the most part, disagree with pretty much everything that comes out of his mouth.
Like that time he thought it was okay to rag on Carly Fiorina's face. Or that time he spoke negatively about John McCain saying, "He’s a war hero because he was captured. I like people who weren’t captured.”
Let's not forget this little pearl of wisdom he spouted about Mexican immigration:
When Mexico sends its people, they're not sending the best. They're not sending you, they're sending people that have lots of problems and they're bringing those problems with us. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people.
Now, I could go on and on about all the other controversial things he has said, but it's time for all of us to put on our critical thinking hats.
In order to think critically, according to Google, we must give "objective analysis and evaluation of an issue in order to form a judgment."
It's obvious he is doing something right and resonating with voters because he has been leading most GOP polls since the beginning.
It's important for all voters to not blindly pick a side and be influenced by a cloud of judgment when they disagree with someone on practically everything.
I believe it's more effective to look at things from both sides, figure out what works and what doesn't, and then meet somewhere in the middle.
So here's my challenge to you: If you lean left and find him despicable, I want you to come up with at least one thing you like about Trump.
(Cue "Jeopardy" song.)
Did you come up with anything?
No? Well, you fail the test.
I had high hopes for you, kid. But never fear, I come bearing three things that might stimulate that brain of yours to start thinking critically.
1. He's better than pretty much anything else on TV.
Now, I know this is a bit of a shallow assertion because politics isn't about entertaining, nor does this have anything to do with a candidate's qualifications for a job as epic as president of the great US of A.
But am I the only one who is bored to death with these overly-manufactured politicians who get thrown in our faces every election?
Think about it.
Every politician wears expensive suits, has perfect hair and has a wife and two kids who he takes cheesy family photos with.
Politicians always smile and say the right things. They never curse, rarely show much emotion and never turn down a photo op.
It's the definition of fabrication, and it's so damn boring.
Trump embodies almost the complete opposite of all these things.
Sure, his suits are expensive, but his hair is far from perfect.
Could you imagine his wife, Melania Trump, as first lady?
She would probably talk about expensive purses before tackling real issues like notable first ladies Michelle Obama and Eleanor Roosevelt.
Trump's memorable facial expressions and inability to say the right thing are what drives most of the attention he receives.
He has also cursed plenty of times, shows plenty of emotion (mostly hate) and doesn't seem to give a damn about photo ops.
I think this is why so many on the right-wing base dig that desirable Trump charm.
He couldn't care less about reporting facts. For once, we have someone who doesn't give a f*ck.
2. He's ruthless and unforgiving.
Practically all politicians say what they think people want to hear, and how and when they think they want to hear it.
It can be argued it comes with the territory.
It's not like any of us will go into a job interview tomorrow and say, "Hey, I smoke weed every day."
Running for president is pretty much just that: a job interview.
So think about this: Isn't it more admirable to have the mindset "come as you are," as opposed to "fake it till you make it?"
Back in 2012, this was Mitt Romney's big downfall, and now it seems to be haunting Hillary.
This relentless ability to flip-flop on issues is very disingenuous.
It doesn't really let voters get to know who you are and what you truly stand for.
This is important because there is nothing worse than when a politician says one thing to get in, but once in office, does the opposite.
For example, Obama ran on hope and change.
But since 2009, he has raged a war against whistleblowers like no other president in the history of the US.
When Trump talks, everyone can tell he is not in the business of impressing the masses.
Although I find most of the things he has to say insipid and vile, I can respect the fact that he's honest.
Even when he's criticized on his views, he rarely backs down or retracts his statements.
But for the record, I think he is full of sh*t when he talks about being a Christian.
If American history has taught us anything, it's you pretty much have to say that (or have some sort of faith) to hold any kind of public office.
3. He is not a corporate puppet.
Finally, the most important quality Trump has is he doesn't have corporate interests or super PACs funding his campaign.
His campaign, along with that of Democratic candidate Bernie Sanders, is funded completely with his own money and voter donations.
So, why is this so important?
Because there is a huge problem with money in politics, and it has corrupted the democratic process as we know it.
Think of it this way: Remember when news broke that Tiger Woods was cheating on his wife and banging girls on the side?
What happened to his sponsors immediately after the story went public? They pulled out, one by one.
That is exactly what happens when a company or committee invests money into an individual or organization.
The corporations do so because they think that entity embodies the same interests as they do.
Once a conflict of interest arises, they pull out.
This can shape the policies and ideas a candidate purposes, and even worse, it can influence what he or she does once in office.
All of that campaign money not only ensures a more powerful campaign with a larger outreach, it also goes into a candidate's pocket.
So, if the likes of Trump and Sanders don't have corporate interests backing them, who do they really have to impress?
No one but themselves and their voter base.
I believe this gives them a level of credibility that trumps (see what I did there?) all other candidates.
When they speak their minds on issues they find important, we know they are being genuine and honest.
That is about as democratic as democracy can get.
Do I think Trump is qualified to run our country? No, not really.
But instead of jumping on the "I hate Trump" bandwagon like most people on the left, I wrote this article to shine light on things I think voters should recognize as positives.
Trump's ability to entertain and garner attention may have gotten a lot of Americans (especially young voters) interested in participating in the political realm, even if they oppose him.
It's not a new problem most Americans do not vote.
I think most people feel their votes don't count and candidates don't really have their interests in mind, despite their claims otherwise.
I think these are sensible things we should demand of all potential candidates in every sector of the government.
Imagine a world where politics was engaging and entertaining, politicians were held accountable for lying and deceiving and money in politics was a thing of the past.
All these things are feasible. It's about time we stop dreaming and start demanding change.
Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and do not reflect the official position of Elite Daily.