Patrol Officer Saves A Driver's Life After Truck Veers Off The Road (Video)
A highway patrol officer allegedly performed CPR for several minutes to save a man's life after a roadside accident.
Eric Devers, an Ohio state trooper, pulled up to a broken highway guardrail earlier this year and ran down a hill to reportedly discover the driver of a semi-truck barely breathing in the driver's seat.
His breathing stopped and his "eyes rolled back into his head," according the Ohio State Highway Patrol's Facebook post.
In the dash cam footage, you can hear Devers administer CPR chest compressions with the help of a civilian passing by. The Trooper can then be heard instructing the passerby to hold the man's head while counting the chest compressions.
With great urgency, Devers shouted,
Don't you die on me! Come on... Open your eyes, come on!
EMS arrived approximately 12 minutes after Devers found the driver, but luckily, the driver appeared to be breathing again by that point, Huffington Post reports.
The driver reportedly went on to make a full recovery, and Devers received a Certificate of Recognition on August 13 for the "quick actions" he made; medical personnel and witnesses say those actions are why the driver is alive.
Trooper Eric Devers of the Piqua Post received a Certificate of Recognition today for his actions while responding to a crash that helped save a commercial vehicle driver's life. Trooper Devers found the driver belted in the driver's seat, taking low, gasping breaths with eyelids half closed. After a short amount of time, the driver's eyes rolled back into his head; he slumped over and quit breathing. A passerby who stopped to assist Trooper Devers kept the driver upright as Trooper Devers performed CPR chest compressions until EMS arrived. In total, Trooper Devers was on the scene for 12 minutes prior to medical personnel arriving, at which time the driver began breathing on his own and stabilized. The driver was transported to Wilson Memorial Hospital and made a full recovery. In speaking with the family, medical personnel and witnesses at the scene, it is apparent the quick actions of Trooper Devers helped save the driver's life. Posted by Ohio State Highway Patrol on Thursday, August 13, 2015
Citations: Dash Cam Footage Captures The Moment An Ohio Trooper Saves A Mans Life (Huffington Post)