Virtually Turn Yourself Into A Realistic AF Cat With These Snapchat Filters
Selfies have never been so fun.
The cat face filter trend went viral in November 2019 when cat owners took to Snapchat and Twitter to share videos of themselves twinning with their feline friends. When it first hit, it wasn’t exactly clear where people were finding these lifelike filters, but now there is a trove of cute cat face filters on Snapchat, and they’re quite literally the cat’s meow. Whether you want to recreate the viral cat video or just want to see what you’d look like as a virtual feline, you can find plenty of choices to use with your cat or solo.
Ever since the cat filter set the internet on fire, people have been sharing the best versions of their feline selves. It even hit a whole new level in February 2021, when a lawyer appeared with a cat filter during a virtual hearing because he couldn’t turn it off. Basically, cat filters are everywhere, and you should know how to get in on the fun. The OG cat face filter gives you a super realistic look with a mask-style augmented reality (AR) effect that gives you fur, whiskers, and cat eyes. Thanks to its realistic features, you can also use the filter to see how your cat reacts when you show them the feline version of yourself, which can result in some pretty hilarious videos.
It was a filter from the Douyin platform, which is the Chinese version of TikTok, that first got the attention of the internet, per reporting from The New York Post in November — but since then, plenty of cat face filters have popped up on Snapchat to choose from.
To access the Snapchat cat face Lenses, keep in mind you won't be able to find them in the main Lens Carousel. To add it to your Lens arsenal, you'll want to open up the app, go to the Snapchat Camera, tap on the smiley face icon to access the Lens Carousel, and then tap the “Explore” icon (a magnifying glass) on the bottom-right of the menu.
On the Snap Lens Explorer page, you’ll want to search "cat face" or “cat” at the top.
The results will bring up a few options. Some of best choices include “Cat Face” by Danielle Grace, “Brown Cat Face” by Danielle Grace, “cat” by Digi Zone, and “CatFace” by Soplix.
When you’re searching, you may need to try different terms to find cat face Lenses, so try options like “cat face,” “catface,” and “cat.”
When you find an option you like, tap on the tile and select “Try Lens.” After you try it, you can tap “Favorite” on the bottom of the page if you want to save it. When you favorite a Lens, it will go to your Snapchat Favorites section on the Explore page, where you can access it whenever you want to.
When you’re ready, you can test out a cat face filter with your kitty to see how they react when you’ve been transformed into a cat — or just have fun taking hilarious pics and videos on your own.
This article was originally published on