Young woman wearing red sunglasses and smiling in the street, thinking about her zodiac sign's lucky...

Your Zodiac Sign's Lucky Number Explains So Much About *You*

It all comes down to your ruling planet.

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It comes as no surprise that astrology is mathematical — degrees, angles, aspects, etc. — but did you know that every planet is associated with a specific number? (The sun is associated with the numbers one and four; the moon is associated with the numbers two and seven; and so on.) This is because numbers hold a certain energy, just like the planets do, which means that your zodiac sign has a lucky number that goes with it, based on the planet you’re ruled by.

Here’s every zodiac sign’s lucky number:

Aries’ Lucky Number Is 9

Nine is the number of completion. Though completing projects isn’t your forte, you’re always eager to leave something behind to begin something new, which is exactly why nine is your lucky number. While this number isn’t one of finality in your case, it represents your Mars-ruled warrior spirit, and your desire to charge forward with courage and strength.
