The Pisces Full Moon Will Be Dreamy For Every Zodiac Sign

It's time to take a break from reality.

by Chelsea Jackson

On Sept. 10, a full moon will illuminate the cosmos in the mutable water sign of Pisces, shifting every zodiac sign’s attention to dreams and fantasies. Since Virgo SZN began, there’s been a focus on details, logic, and productivity, but this lunation is prompting everyone to think outside the box — just try not to wander too far.

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As a harvest moon (aka the final full moon before fall begins), there’s a sense of finality that accompanies this lunation, bringing revelations as well as some potential endings to the forefront for every sign. With Mercury retrograde also in full swing, many things may feel unclear, but your imagination is as vivid as ever.

Here’s what every sign can expect from the September 2022 full Harvest Moon:

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Aries (March 21—April 19)

On Sept. 10, the full moon in Pisces will illuminate your subconscious mind and habits behind closed doors. Virgo SZN’s been a time of major productivity for you, Aries, but how have you been making time for rest and recovery? It’s important that your down time allows space to nurture your imagination, so be sure to prioritize that as the full moon comes around.

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Taurus (April 20—May 20)

It’s a social time for you, Taurus, as the full moon in Pisces sheds light on your community, friends, and alliances. Now is the perfect time to consider what your ideal posse looks like. Do the people you surround yourself with support your hopes and dreams? It’s important that you feel inspired by your social circle, so be mindful of who’s encouraging you now.

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Gemini (May 21—June 20)

On Sept. 10, the full moon in Pisces will shed light on your career and public image, bringing your wishes and ideals to the forefront in this area of your life. While Mercury retrograde may cause you to feel a little scatterbrained now, it’s the perfect time to allow your imagination to run wild regarding what you aim to achieve in your professional life. The sky is the limit, Gemini.

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Cancer (June 21—July 22)

Your belief systems are being highlighted now, Cancer, as the full moon sheds light on your desire to broaden your mind. Now is the perfect time to embark on a journey of some kind that allows you to tap in to your imaginative side. Whether the trip is physical or mental, you’ll be expanding your horizons now in more ways than one.

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Leo (July 23—Aug. 22)

On Sept. 10, the full moon in Pisces will shed light on your shared resources and boundaries with others, bringing emphasis to how you draw the line between your time, money, and energy, and other people’s. Since the full moon is taking place in a mutable, water sign, it may be difficult to find the difference between the two, but it’s an ideal period for envisioning what kinds of boundaries you’d like to establish here.

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Virgo (Aug. 23—Sept. 22)

It’s a big week for you, Virgo. Not only is your chart ruler freshly retrograde, but the full moon is shedding light on your relationships and partnerships with others. Now is not the time to focus on logic and what makes sense, but more so a time to allow yourself to dream and think outside the box. It’s okay if you don’t have all the answers — allow yourself to tap into your imagination instead.

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Libra (Sept. 23—Oct. 22)

On Sept. 10, the full moon in Pisces will bring revelations to your daily habits and routines, prompting you to consider how you prioritize your self-care. It’s a great day to envision what your ideal day looks like — how would you spend your time if there were no rules or responsibilities? Allow yourself the space to explore this today, Libra, the to-do list can wait.

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Scorpio (Oct. 23—Nov. 21)

As the full moon illuminates your creative pursuits on Sept. 10, you’ll be prompted to consider how you tap into your imagination in this area. Virgo season’s placed a lot of emphasis on logic and productivity, but now is the time to prioritize your pleasure — even if it just means you allow yourself to daydream the day away. This isn’t a day to tackle a long to-do list, Scorpio, but instead, just focus on enjoying yourself.

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Sagittarius (Nov. 22—Dec. 21)

On Sept. 10, the full Harvest Moon in Pisces will shed light on your home, prompting you to consider what your current dreams family dreams look like. As a fellow Jupiter-ruled sign, you’re all about tapping into your imagination, so this full moon will feel right up your alley. What does your ideal home look like? It might not be as impossible to achieve as you may think.

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Capricorn (Dec. 22—Jan. 19)

As the full moon in Pisces takes place on Sept. 10, you’ll be inclined to embrace hopes, dreams, and ideals when it comes to newfound skills and hobbies. It’s a great day to do some creative writing, or tap into a hobby that allows you to step out of your logical mind and into your imagination. There are no limits in your way today, Capricorn, so be sure to take advantage of it.

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Aquarius (Jan. 20—Feb. 18)

On Sept. 10, the full moon in Pisces will shed light on your money and resources, bringing up feelings of hope and aspiration in this area. As a Saturn-ruled individual, you tend to prioritize logic over all else — but this full moon is reminding you to tap into your ideals. How can you use your money to enrich your quality of life? Don’t be afraid to dream big.

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Pisces (Feb. 19—March 20)

It’s a big week for you, Pisces, as the full moon illuminates your first house of self. It’s the perfect time to consider what your dreams and hopes are for yourself, regardless of if they currently seem attainable or not. Virgo SZN’s been a difficult time to tap into your imagination, but on Sept. 10, you’ll be feeling like yourself again.

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