The New Moon Won’t Be Major For These 4 Zodiac Signs, But It Still Matters
It has the power to change your perspective.
If you’re a follower of astrology, you know all about the affect the moon has on you. After all, the moon rules over your subconscious and your emotional instincts. It protects your secrets, nurture your inner world, and gives you the motivation to care. As the moon moves through its 28-day lunar cycle, it’s continually pushing you, healing you, and changing you. However, certain phases on the lunar cycle are more significant than others, and the one that jumpstarts everything is always the new moon. This is when you take stock of where you stand, finding the energy to forgive yourself for the past and begin again. Even though these zodiac signs will be affected by the January 2022 new moon in Capricorn the least — Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius — it will be such a beautiful moment for them.
Taking place on Jan. 2 at 1:33 p.m. ET, this new moon is happening just in time for you to start putting your new years resolutions into motion. The fact that this new moon rises in stable, pragmatic, and committed Capricorn only emphasized the tone it can set for the remainder of 2022. When you start a new year with a driven mindset, it only serves to benefit you throughout the remainder of the 365-day journey you’ve just begun. Capricorn is the zodiac sign of delayed gratification, meaning that it has the ability to remind you that making uncomfortable sacrifices right now can lead to so many rewards down the line.
Although fixed signs may not feel like this new moon is leading you toward a major change, there’s a strong chance it will show them a new perspective. Knowledge is power, and if you’re a fixed sign, here’s how you can harness that power:
Taurus: You’re Branching Out And Embracing A New Mindset
This new moon is encouraging you take a leap of faith. If a spontaneous opportunity arises that pushes you out of your comfort zone, you might feel more inclined to take it. After all, it’s not by following the guidelines of your every day life that you gain new experiences that expand your mind. By trying something new and opening your mind, you’re enriching your perspective beyond belief.
Leo: You’re Rethinking Your Daily Routine And Creating New Habits
There are only so many hours in a day, but if you can use those hours to your benefit, a day can start to mean so much more to you. This new moon is shining a light on the wasteful habits that have been using up too much of your time. It’s also helping you recognize that your mental health and physical wellbeing are never something you should sacrifice. Let this new moon help you start making your day count.
Scorpio: You’re Concocting New Ideas And Engaging With Others
This new moon might make you feel incredibly chatty and hungry for some intellectual stimulation. You may feel like engaging with people who inspire you, giving you the opportunity to bounce ideas off each other. It’s also encouraging you to study new topics, catch up on emails, and experiment with techniques that help you strengthen your mind. After all, the brain is a muscle that needs exercise.
Aquarius: You’re Releasing Negativity And Unburdening Yourself
You may feel somewhat dreamier and sleepier on this new moon. After all, it’s shining a light on your subconscious, encouraging you to explore all the feelings you’re carrying within. It may even bring a few repressed emotions and memories to the surface, giving you clarity about your spiritual wellbeing. Allow yourself to feel everything you’re feeling. You’re embracing these emotions and setting them free.
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