These iPhone Hacks From TikTok Are The Coolest Tricks Yet
Does Apple even know about these?
Thanks to TikTok, there are always new social media and hacks to learn. There was the time you got the scoop on how to clean your AirPods, and the time your favorite TikToker showed how to pose in mirror selfies. But, despite having tons of good hacks in your back pocket, you're still looking for more iPhone hacks on TikTok that'll make your life easier and, let's be honest, cooler. You want to know all the shortcuts that exist especially with so many new iPhone updates, especially if that include hacks to getting the best photo or making daily taps more efficient. You don't want to be left in dark mode on the unique ways you can tap the back of your device or take photos that are as high-definition as a movie. Give your thumb a break from the swiping and scrolling – literally (see #3 and #9) and take notes with these 10 iPhone hacks on TikTok.
Each might make your mouth drop or make you think, "Why haven't I been doing this all along?" or “Does Apple even know about this?” It’s almost as if they planted infinite easter eggs in the Settings app for us to discover, and there are a lot of hidden hacks that are game-changing. We’re on our phones constantly and may not appreciate all the things we can do with them, like pressing a button to switch to super crisp videos or creating new images in the Photos app. Whether you're changing up your home screen again or dipping your toe into unconventional ways to hack your iPhone, grab these new tips for personalizing your tech experience.
01Copy And Paste For Better Photos In Seconds
You may not know that you can Photoshop your pics within seconds using the Photos app. If you slayed an impromptu photoshoot but there’s a photobomber in your snap, you can easily edit your best pose into your ideal background. Using iOS 16, grab the best shot of yourself and hold down your finger to copy the outline image of your body. Then, take the photo from the shoot that has the best background and paste the cutout of yourself on top to fit over your body. This TikTok iPhone hack is a game-changer, and no one will be able to tell.
02How To Quickly Move Your Apps
When iOS 14 was released in September 2020, many of us started to design our home screens to feature a specific color palette or photos we love. Whether you're changing up your home screen again or hopping on this bandwagon for the first time, this video will show you how to quickly move your apps around. Essentially, it requires holding down on the app until it jiggles, and then tapping on the other apps you want to move with it, while still holding down on that app.
03How To Film Videos In 4K
If you don't already know, 4K definition is about as high-quality as it gets. If you film a video at this level, it will be crisper than if you did so at 1080p. This TikToker shows how to film a video on your phone in 4K and the results you can achieve. Simply go to Settings > Camera > Record Video. Then, select either the 4K at 30fps or 4K at 60fps — fps standing for "frames per second."
04How To Control Your iPhone With Head Movements
The Accessibility tab in your iPhone settings opens up the door to many cool hacks and tricks. One of these tricks actually lets you control your iPhone with head movements.
This works by going to Settings > Accessibility > Switch Control. From there, you'll want to turn your Switch Control on, and then you'll be able to name, create, and define movements. You can turn your head to the left to have your phone open up your camera, or to the right to go back to your home screen.
05How To Use The Apple Logo Like A Button
Believe it or not, the Apple logo on the back of your iPhone is more than just a design. Thanks to the Accessibility settings, you can touch it to go back to your home screen — much like the old home button.
Here's how to set this up: Go to Settings > Accessibility > Touch > Back Tap > Double Tap. Choose what you'd like a double-tap on the logo to do, including bring you to your home screen or muting your device.
06How To Take Breathtaking Videos Of Raindrops
This hack is kind of unbelievable. It allows you to take the most stunning videos of raindrops, which you can then use in an IG story, a TikTok video, or any larger video project you may be working on.
To try it out, put your camera on Slo-Mo. Bring your lens close to raindrops that are about to fall, and then "drop" your phone, aka quickly lower it, as the drops fall to capture the rain in action.
07How To Record A Video Without Your Music Stopping
Trying to take a video and play your music at the same time is impossible — except, it's not. This TikTok video shows you how you can do both simultaneously, as opposed to settling for quiet video recordings. Basically, open up your camera while playing music. Make sure you're on the photo setting, and then tap and hold the capture button. Drag it to the right and record away.
08How To Put A Password On Specific Apps
Okay, this hack might take a few minutes to set up, but it’s pretty cool. If you want to ensure privacy within a specific app, you can set up a specific password. Head to the Shortcuts screen, hit the plus sign on the top right, search for the app you’d like password protected. Then tap add action, search for “ask for input”, prompt it to ask for “number” with “password”. For the rest of the detailed steps, head to this TikTok video.
09How To Create A GIF On Your Camera Roll
Have you ever wanted to create a GIF of your day? This hack is super easy and will create something magical for your feed. To do it, head to your camera roll and select photos you'd want to be in your GIF. Then, hit the bottom left options button, and a tab that says "Create GIF."
You might notice that your iPhone doesn't have this tab. To make it appear, you'll need to create a new shortcut. How to do this is detailed in this Instagram Reels video.
10Save A TikTok As A Live Photo Lock Screen
You can grab a clip from TikTok and save it as your lock screen wallpaper, so that when you hold down with your finger, a scene from a movie, music video, or any moving image will play. In the TikTok search bar, type “live wallpaper” and save the clip to your iPhone. Then select “Use As Wallpaper” in your photo library .
11Scroll Hands-Free
Similar to controlling your screen with head movements, you can create a feature that scrolls your screen with a word cue. Just go into Settings > Accessibility > Customize Commands > Custom > Create New Command. You can then create a voice command, such as the word “next” and match it with a swipe-up gesture. This way, you can still doom-scroll TikTok, even when your hands are busy. This could also work for turning pages of e-books.
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